12.2 Scheduling Reports

To view the report result, you must run the report. All reports have a sample report result. You can use the sample report to preview how the actual report result looks like when you run the report. To run the report, you must have the Run reports permission.

You can run the report immediately or schedule it to run periodically. Click the Run icon and specify the appropriate information to schedule a report. By default, Change Guardian saves the report in the PDF format.

Reports run asynchronously.Therefore, you can simultaneously perform other tasks in the Change Guardian Main interface while the report generation is in progress. If the Change Guardian server is restarted while the report generation is still in progress, you can either cancel or reschedule report generation. If you reschedule the report, it runs with the same parameters that you used initially. If you schedule a report with a relative time setting, such as Week to Date, the time period for re-running the report is based on the current date and time and not the date and time when you initially scheduled the report.

NOTE:The report data in the PDF file will be different than the data in the reports that are run with the Now option. The report data in the PDF file are for the time range that you specified while scheduling a report definition. When you schedule a report definition with the Now option, the report includes events from midnight to the time you scheduled the report definition.

12.2.1 Scheduling Reports across Change Guardian Servers

You can schedule reports on Change Guardian servers distributed across different geographic locations. For more information, see Section 21.0, Configuring Data Federation.

12.2.2 Saving Reports in the CSV Format

You can also save a report in the CSV format along with the existing PDF format. This requires additional configuration in the Change Guardian server. Only users in the administrator role can perform the additional configuration. For more information, see Generating a Report in CSV Format.

Generating a Report in CSV Format

By default, Change Guardian generate reports in PDF format. You can also generate reports in CSV format by making additional configurations to the Change Guardian server.

To generate a report in CSV format:

  1. Log in to the Change Guardian server as novell user.

  2. Change to the /etc/opt/novell/sentinel/config directory: cd /etc/opt/novell/sentinel/config/

  3. Open the obj-component.JasperReportingComponent.properties file for editing:

    vi obj-component.JasperReportingComponent.properties

  4. Edit the following entries:

    • reporting.csv.enable=true

    • reporting.csv.outputdir= <the directory where the reports must be stored>

    The novell user must have read/write permissions on the specified directory.

  5. Restart the Change Guardian server.

When you generate a report, it is stored in the CSV format in the directory specified in the reporting.csv.outputdir attribute.