8.0 Generating Reports

After an assessment has run on your network, you use the Report view to customize and generate two different reports of the results: the Executive Summary Report and the Complete Report.

By default, reports include information about all the assessments that you have completed. However, you can selectively filter some of the information to be included.

Some reporting parameters are dependent on result ranges you can configure. For example, Vivinet Assessor calculates Mean Opinion Score (MOS) estimates for each call group and rates each group’s overall performance as “Good,” “Acceptable,” or “Poor” based on its average MOS. The result ranges determine how scores are rated. For more information, see Section 7.8.1, Setting Result Ranges.

You can generate reports while any assessment is still running. But be aware that this action might alter your results slightly. For example, depending on exactly when you click the Generate Report button, some call groups in the VoIP Quality assessment might include results from a few more simulated calls than others. And some polling intervals for the Utilization assessment may be incomplete. You are especially likely to interfere with the results if you generate a report from a large assessment—monitoring 25 devices and links, for example—while utilization monitoring is still proceeding.

Do not try to generate and display reports from multiple assessment databases simultaneously, or you will receive an error.

See the following topics for more information about VoIP Readiness Assessment reports: