B.6 NetIQccm Folder

The SOFTWARE\NetIQ\AppManager\4.0\NetIQccm (for 32-bit computers) and SOFTWARE\SysWow6432\NetIQ\AppManager\4.0\NetIQccm (for 64-bit computers) folders store keys that define characteristics of the NetIQ Corporation AppManager Client Communication Manager service and how that service communicates with the management server. The keys are organized in the following subfolders:

B.6.1 Admin

The NetIQccm\Admin folder contains keys that are used in agent self‑monitoring.




Defines the default AppManager event severity level for agent self‑monitoring events. The default event severity level is 40.


Sets the flag that indicates whether an event should be raised if an agent needs to be restarted.


Specifies the communication interval in seconds for the agent to use in checking the Windows event log for new self-monitoring events. The default value is 60 seconds.


Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that can elapse between timestamps to determine whether an agent should be restarted. Set by the AMAdmin_AgentSelfMon Knowledge Script.

B.6.2 Config

The NetIQccm\Config contains keys that control agent autonomy and communication with the management server.




Specifies the maximum number of records (events and data) for the NetIQ Corporation AppManager Client Communication Manager to read from the local repository and send to the management server in a single batch.

If communication with the management server fails, records are saved in the local repository. When communication with the management server is restored, this batch load value provides guidance for how much data the Client Communication Manager should attempt to send at one time.

If the local repository has few records, the Client Communication Manager may upload all of the records at once for efficiency. If the communication between the Client Communication Manager and the management server is slow, the Client Communication Manager may need to transfer the data in a series of batches. The Client Communication Manager can adjust the number of records uploaded dynamically, decreasing the load when the management server is busy or communication is slow and increasing the load when the management server is free or communication improves.


Sets the flag to control RPC connections. Zero disables caching, whereas a non-zero value enables caching. The default is zero.


Defines the maximum size (number of records) for the local repository’s Data table. This value is configured using the AMAdmin_SetLocalRPSize Knowledge Script. The default value is zero (0), which indicates no limit.


Defines the level of the event log messages in the Windows Event Log. The valid values for this key include:

0x0 - Don't log any events

0x1 - Log Info events

0x2 - Log Warning events

0x4 - Log Error events

Values are added to combine the events logged. For example, 0x5 logs Info and Error events. The default is 0xF (Log everything).


Defines the maximum size (number of records) for the local repository’s Event table. This value is configured using the AMAdmin_SetLocalRPSize Knowledge Script. The key value is zero (0), which indicates no limit.


Defines the monitoring interval (in seconds) to check whether the NetIQmc service is running. If you set an interval, the NetIQ Corporation AppManager Client Communication Manager automatically restarts the NetIQ Corporation AppManager Client Resource Monitor service if it is detected down. To turn off self-monitoring, set this value to 0. The default value is 1800 seconds (30 min).


Defines the interval (in seconds) to check the status of the NetIQ Corporation AppManager Management Service. The default is 30 seconds, for example, 0x1e.

NOTE:The NetIQ Corporation AppManager Client Communication Manager service checks availability of the NetIQ Corporation AppManager Management Service to determine whether to send data and events to the management server or log them in the local repository.

This key is used when managed computers run in Autonomous mode.


Defines the interval (in seconds) that the NetIQ Corporation AppManager Client Communication Manager uses to poll the NetIQ Corporation AppManager Client Resource Monitor for new data and events to be sent to the management server. The default is 5 seconds.

This key is used when managed computers run in Autonomous mode.


Defines the high watermark for tuning the flow of network communication from the NetIQ Corporation AppManager Client Communication Manager service to the management server. Set when you configure network flow with the AMAdmin_ConfigSiteNetFlowCtrl Knowledge Script.


Defines the communication interval for dynamically adjusting the batch size when the NetIQ Corporation AppManager Client Communication Manager service transfers data to the management server. Set when you configure network flow with the AMAdmin_ConfigSiteNetFlowCtrl Knowledge Script.


Defines the low watermark for tuning the flow of network communication from the NetIQ Corporation AppManager Client Communication Manager service to the management server. Set when you configure network flow with the AMAdmin_ConfigSiteNetFlowCtrl Knowledge Script.


Sets the flag that enables or disables dynamic flow control tuning. Zero enables dynamic flow control. A non-zero value disables dynamic flow control. The default is zero.

B.6.3 Tracing

The NetIQccm\Tracing folder stores the key for tracing the activity of the NetIQ Corporation AppManager Client Communication Manager service.




Sets the flag that enables or disables tracing for the AppManager Client Communication Manager service. A value of zero (0) turns tracing off and a non‑zero value turns tracing on. Setting a higher value for this key generates more verbose tracing output.

If set to 1 or higher, the Client Communication Manager logs information about its activity to the ccmtrace.log file.