B.3 Main AppManager Keys and Folders

The AppManager registry keys and folders located in SOFTWARE\NetIQ\AppManager\4.0 (for 32-bit computers) and SOFTWARE\SysWow6432\NetIQ\AppManager\4.0 (for 64-bit computers) contain the most important registry key information for AppManager Version 4.0 and later.

  • The key values provide version and build information for the AppManager executables (.exe) and libraries (.dll) installed on a computer. All of the values are recorded during installation and provide useful information to verify the compatibility of components installed on a computer. You should not manually change any of these values. The format for the version and build number is n.n.nnnnn.n (for example, 6.0.56615.0) and is the same for all components.

  • The registry folders contain keys and subfolder keys that control the behavior of AppManager components installed on the computer and the communication between local AppManager components and AppManager components installed on other computers.

For example, you may see some or all of the following folders:


Associated Component



AppManager agent

Key values that define the characteristics of the managed computer’s local repository.


AppManager Developer’s Console

Key values used to configure and store information about the Developer Console.


AppManager Developer’s Console

Key values that indicate the path to any custom icon files you have added using the Icon Editor.


AppManager Response Time module or agent

Key values that indicate the path to the uninstaller for modules.


AppManager agent

Key values that configure communication with the management server. For more information about this key, see NetIQccm Folder.


AppManager agent

Key values that configure the AppManager agent’s operation. For more information about this key, see NetIQmc Folder.


AppManager management server

Key values that configure communication with the repository and managed computers. For more information about this key, see NetIQms Folder.


AppManager repository

Key values that configure the data device, name, path, size and the log name, path, size. It also contains keys that shows the encrypted password and the path of the database installation. For more information about this key, see QDB Folder.

Repository Browser

AppManager Operator Console

Key values that define the saved queries available in the Repository Browser.

Security Manager

AppManager Security Manager

Key values that define the default security role and default SQL Server group for new users.


Web Transaction Recorder

Key values used to configure and store information about the Web Transaction Recorder.