29.2 Rejoining the Cluster

When errors occur within the database and replicas, you must re-create the Global Master database (GMS).

You must re-install all the other servers in the cluster. You can do this by performing a fresh install of all the servers in the cluster.

It is recommended to rebuild the cluster by performing the following steps:

  1. In the primary site:

    1. Rejoin the database servers

    2. Rejoin the Webserver servers

  2. In other sites:

    1. Rejoin the Master server

    2. Rejoin the database servers

    3. Rejoin the Webserver servers

To enable the First Install wizard, perform the following steps.

  1. Log in as root to the server.

  2. Perform the following:

    1. Stop the Advanced Authentication server:

      systemctl stop aauth risk-service

    2. Remove the containers, network, and volumes which Advanced Authentication has created on the server:

      docker-compose -p aaf -f /opt/aauth/docker-compose.yml -f /opt/aauth/docker-compose.sles.yml down -v

      docker-compose -p risk -f /opt/risk/docker-compose.risk.yml down -v

    3. Start the Advanced Authentication server:

      systemctl start aauth risk-service

  3. Browse the URL: https://<servername> in a web browser and rejoin the server.

You can rejoin the cluster in any of the following scenarios: