Prerequisite for Restoring

It is recommended to stop the Advanced Authentication services on the DB Masters and DB servers for a smooth recovery.

To stop the process, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Database Masters and DB server machines (NOT the Global Master).

    1. Log in to the Aucore container:

      docker exec -it aaf-aucore-1 bash

    2. Stop the Advanced Authentication processes:

      /opt/superctl stop all

    3. Stop the replication from this server to the other cluster members:

      /opt/penv/bin/au-replica stop

    4. Exit the container:



    Run the following single command to stop all the services:

    docker exec aaf-aucore-1 bash -c "/opt/penv/bin/au-replica stop && /opt/superctl stop all"

  2. Repeat the Step 1 on all the Database Master and DB server machines.

NOTE:After you import the database to the Global Master and copy the database to all the DB Masters and DB servers, you must start the Advanced Authentication process. There will be a short duration of downtime.