2.13 Rebooting or Shutting Down the Server

You might need to initiate a graceful shutdown or to restart the server for maintenance. The following are the methods to restart the server.

2.13.1 Restarting the Server Using Configuration Console options

You can restart the Advanced Authentication server using Configuration Console options. It is recommended to use the Configuration Console options than Power Off/On option in the hypervisor's VM management tool.

  1. Log in to the Configuration Console as the root user.

  2. In the upper right corner of the server Configuration pane, click Reboot or click Shutdown.

2.13.2 Restarting the Advanced Authentication Server in Kubernetes

You can restart the Advanced Authentication server in Kubernetes. Perform the following steps to restart the server in Kubernetes:

  1. Run the following command to restart the Advanced Authentication server:

    kubectl  --namesapce < AA_Namespace>  delete pod --grace-period=0 --force  <POD_NAME>

    For example,  kubectl --namespace aa-best  delete pod --grace-period=0 --force  aa-best-6320-aaf-0

    Run the following commands to get the following details:

    • Namespace: kubectl get namespace.

    • POD Name: kubectl get pods --namespace < Advanced Authentication Namespace name >.

if you are planning to restart just or enable multi-tenancy, run the following command to restart the Advanced Authentication server.

kubectl  --namespace <Advanced Authentication Namespace>  exec -it  <Advanced Authentication Pod Name >  -c aucore -- /bin/bash   -c  "/opt/superctl stop all &&  /opt/superctl start all"

For example, kubectl  --namespace aa-best  exec -it  aa-best-6320-aaf-0  -c aucore -- /bin/bash   -c  "/opt/superctl stop all &&  /opt/superctl start all"