4.4.6 Configuring Supported Social Authentication Providers for API Keys and API Secrets

Access Manager requires API Keys and API Secrets from the supported social authentication providers to integrate with these providers. Follow the steps to configure the supported applications and to get keys from the social authentication providers. You can integrate with Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+. For other providers, see Configuring the Social Authentication Class.

IMPORTANT:The information in the following sections may get changed and may not match the Social Networking Providers’ interface when you create an application. If you find any changes, follow the wizard accordingly. The following information is only for reference purpose and can vary based on the provider configuration page.

Integrating Access Manager with Facebook

Perform the following steps to generate the API Key and API Secret with Facebook:

  1. Create a Facebook application for community.

    1. Log in to Facebook and access the Application page.

    2. Click Add a New App.

    3. Select the platform website.

    4. Click Skip and Create App ID.

    5. Specify the following details on the Create a New App ID screen:

      • Display Name: Specify a name for the web application.

      • Contact Email: Specify the email address.

      • Category: Select a category from the list.

    6. Click Create App ID.

    7. Solve the Captcha, then click Submit.

      The product setup page appears.

    8. Click Facebook Login > Get Started.

      • Valid OAuth redirect URIs: Specify the identity provider redirect URI. For example: https://<IDP URL>:<Port Number>/nidp/jsp/socialauth_return.jsp.

      • Deauthorise Callback URL: Specify the identity provider URI. For example: https://<IDP URL>:<Port Number>/nidp/app.

    9. Click Save Changes.

    10. Navigate to the Dashboard page.

    11. Click Show to display App Secret.

    12. Copy the values of App ID and App Secret. You will need these values when you configure Facebook with Access Manager.

    13. Click Settings. In the Basic tab, review the details.

    14. Click Advanced tab and review the details.

      NOTE:Ensure that Require App Secret is not selected.

    15. Click App Review, enable Make DemoApp public, then select Confirm to create this application and all its live features available. By default, NO is selected.

    16. Navigate to the Dashboard page.

      The application status changes to Green and is online.

  2. Configure Facebook application Configuration Setting in Access Manager. Use App ID and App Secret to configure Facebook as social authentication provider.

Integrating Access Manager with LinkedIn

Perform the following steps to generate the API Key and API Secret for LinkedIn:

  1. Create a LinkedIn application.

    1. Log in to LinkedIn and access the Application page.

    2. Click Create Application.

    3. Select the existing Company Name from the list or create a new Company Name.

    4. Specify the following details on the Create a New Application screen:

      • Company Name: Specify the name of the company.

      • Name: Specify the name of the application.

      • Description: Specify a description of the application.

      • Application Logo: Upload an image for the application.

      • Application Use: Select a category from the list.

      • Website URL: Specify a URL or identity provider URL.

      • Business Email: Specify your business email address.

      • Business Phone: Specify your business phone number.

      • Accept the agreement, then click Submit.

    5. Copy the value of Client ID and Client Secret. These values will be required when you configure LinkedIn providers with Access Manager.

  2. Configure LinkedIn application Configuration Setting in Access Manager. The App ID and App Secret will be used by Access Manager to configure LinkedIn.

Integrating Access Manager with Twitter

Perform the following steps to generate the API Key and API Secret for Twitter.

  1. Create a Twitter application.

    1. Log in to Twitter and access the Application page.

    2. Click Create New App.

    3. Specify the following details on the Create an Application page:

      • Name : Specify a name for the web application.

      • Description: Specify a description for the web application.

      • Website: Specify the application URL.

      • Callback URL: Specify the identity provider redirect URI. For example, https://<IDP URL>:<Port Number>/nidp/jsp/socialauth_return.jsp

    4. Accept license and click Create your Twitter Application.

      The App name, description, consumer key, and the callback URL are displayed.

    5. Go to the Keys and Access Tokens tab and make a note of the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret.

      You will need these values when you configure Twitter as a service provider with Access Manager.

    6. Click Create my access token to authorize the application to access accounts.

  2. Configure Twitter application Configuration Setting in Access Manager. Access Manager uses App ID and APP secret to configure Twitter.

Integrating Access Manager with Google+

Perform the following steps to generate the API Key and API Secret for Twitter.

  1. Create a Google+ application.

    1. Log in to Google and access the Application page.

    2. Click Credentials, then create a project.

    3. In APIs Credentials, click Create credentials, then select OAuth client ID.

    4. Click Configure consent screen to set a product name on the consent screen.

    5. Specify a product name and click save.

      The remaining fields are optional. The Email address is auto-populated.

    6. In Create client ID page, specify the following:

      • Application type: Select Web application.

      • Name: Specify a name for the web application.

      • Authorized JavaScript origins: This is an optional field.

      • Authorized redirect URIs: Specify the identity provider redirect URI. For example, https://<IDP URL>:<Port Number>/nidp/jsp/socialauth_return.jsp

    7. Copy Oauth client ID and secret.

      These values are required when you configure Google+ with Access Manager.

  2. Configure Google+ application Configuration Setting in Access Manager. Access Manager uses App ID and App secret to configure Google+.