18.7 Types of Graphs

18.7.1 Unique Users Logged In

This graph displays the user count based on the number of distinct users who are logged in to Identity Server and Access Gateway. This count is irrespective of how often they send log in requests.

This graph helps to determine the number of distinct users who are logged in to web applications that are configured to use Access Manager.

18.7.2 Identity Server Active Users

This graph displays the data for the number of users who are logged in to Identity Server and is active at a specific interval.

This graph is helpful in analysing how many users are authenticated within a specific time interval.

18.7.3 Access Gateway Active Users

This graph displays the data for the number of users who are logged in to Access Gateway server and is active within a specific time interval.

This graph is helpful in determining how many users are authorized within a specific time interval.

18.7.4 Geolocation of Users Logged In

This displays the map with number of logged in users in specific geographical location. You can hover the mouse on each region to know the number of users who are accessing applications from that region.

To view this graph you must configure the geographical location. For information about configuring the geolocation, see Section 4.5.5, Configuring Analytics Server.

This graph helps in identifying the location from where the most or the least number of users access applications.

NOTE:To display the user count for different countries, Analytics Server uses the IP address that is specified in the geolocation provider database. Hence, the data on the graph is dependent on the configured geolocation provider details.

18.7.5 Pre-Auth Risk Distribution

This graph displays a pie-chart with the distribution of the levels of risk (high, medium, and low). Each portion displays the risk percentage based on the number of sessions and percentage of the risk level that is configured in Identity Server.

These graphs help in determining the risks that are detected before authentication. Based on the risk level, administrators can change the policies to mitigate the risk.

18.7.6 Post-Auth Risk Distribution

This graph displays the pie-chart with the different levels of risk (high, medium, and low). Each portion of the pie-chart displays the risk percentage based on the number of sessions and percentage of the risk level that is configured in Identity Server.

These graphs help in mitigating the risk that are detected after authentication.

18.7.7 Identity Server Accessed Applications

This graph displays the name and the number of times the applications such as, federated applications, OAuth, and WS-Trust are accessed through Identity Server.

This graph helps in determining the most commonly used applications through Identity Server.

18.7.8 Access Gateway Accessed Applications

This graph displays the name of web applications with the number of times any web application is accessed through Access Gateway.

This graph helps in determining the most commonly used applications through Access Gateway.

18.7.9 Most Used Browsers

This graph displays the name of all the browsers with the comparison of their usage in Access Manager environment.

This graph helps in determining the most commonly used browsers from which the requests are sent to applications that are configured with Access Manager.

18.7.10 Most Used Endpoint Devices

This graph displays the name of all the endpoint devices with the comparison of their usage in the Access Manager environment.

This graph helps in determining the most commonly used devices that users use for sending access requests.

18.7.11 Most Accessed Users (Available from 4.3 SP1 Onwards)

This graph displays the name of the top ten users who have got access by using Access Manager. Other includes the names of other users.

This graph helps in determining the users who frequently send requests to get access through Access manager.

18.7.12 Client IP Addresses (Available from 4.3 SP1 Onwards)

This graph displays the IP address of the client machines from which the requests are received frequently.

18.7.13 Most Used Contracts (Available from 4.3 SP1 Onwards)

This graph displays the name and number of the frequently used contracts.

This graph helps in determining the most commonly used contracts that is used for authentication.

18.7.14 Failed Authentications (Available from 4.3 SP1 Onwards)

This graph displays the number of failed authentications that occurred in a specific interval.

18.7.15 Identity Server Logins

This graph displays the number of login requests that are sent to Identity Server with respect to time.

This graph helps in determining the interval when there are too many user login requests sent to Identity Server.

18.7.16 Access Gateway Logins

This graph displays the number of login requests that are sent to Access Gateway with respect to time.

This graph helps in determining the interval when there are too many user login requests sent to Access Gateway.

18.7.17 Access Gateway Uptime

This graph displays the total time Access Gateway has been running since it was last started.

It helps in determining the time for next reboot.

18.7.18 Access Gateway Requests

This graph displays the number of requests that are sent to Access Gateway at a specific interval.

This graph helps in determining the load on Access Gateway server at each interval.

18.7.19 Access Gateway Cache Utilization

This graph displays the percentage of the used cache from the available cache for Access Gateway.

18.7.20 Identity Server Clusters

This graph displays all Identity Server clusters with the health of each cluster. You can view the health statistics based on the number of nodes that are active at a specific time period.

You can also disable a cluster and view Analytics Dashboard without using data from that cluster.

18.7.21 Identity Servers

This graph displays the list of all Identity Server machines with the health of each server.

You can disable data filter for any required Identity Server and view Analytics Dashboard without the data that is generated from those servers.

18.7.22 Access Gateway Clusters

This graph displays all Access Gateway clusters with the health of each cluster. You can view the health statistics based on the number of nodes that are active at a specific time period.

You can also disable a cluster and view Analytics Dashboard without using data from that cluster.

18.7.23 Access Gateways

This graph displays the list of all Access Gateway servers with the health of each server.

You can disable data filter for any required Access Gateway servers and view Analytics Dashboard without the data that is generated from those servers.