30.4 Troubleshooting Analytics Server

30.4.1 When You Launch Analytics Dashboard It Displays a Blank Page

If Analytics dashboard url launches a blank page initially after installing Analytics Server, you must perform the following on Administration Console Dashboard:

  1. Click Troubleshooting > Certificates.

  2. Click the certificate for Analytics Server.

  3. Click Re-push certificates.

If Analytics dashboard displays blank page abruptly, then check the health of Analytics Server services and shared storage (for cluster setup).

30.4.2 The Graphs Do Not Display Any Data When You Launch Analytics Dashboard

When you launch the dashboard, it does not display data on the graphs. Also, the health of devices that are displayed on the graphs for Identity Server, Access Gateway, Access Gateway Clusters, and Identity Server Clusters is unavailable. This happens because the realtime index, where the events are received and stored, does not exist on the Analytics Server.

To resolve this issue and view the realtime data graphs, perform the following steps:

  1. Connect to Analytics Server by using SSH.

  2. Run the following command to verify if the realtime events are getting stored in the realtime index:

    Access Manager 4.3: curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/realtimegraphs/_search'

    Access Manager 4.3 Service Pack 1: curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/realtimegraphsv4.3.1/_search'

  3. (Conditional) If you get the error "IndexMissingException[[realtimegraphs] missing]","status":404, run the following command to list all indexes that are present within Analytics Server:

    curl 'localhost:9200/_cat/indices?v'

    NOTE:If you have enabled the debug log for Analytics Server, you can check the realtime aggregator logs from /opt/novell/nam/aggregators/logs/aggregator.log. For information about changing the log level for any specific Analytics Server, refer Section 4.5.5, Configuring Analytics Server.

  4. Run the following command to restart the realtime aggregator:

    /etc/init.d/novell-realtime start

30.4.3 Clearing the Existing Graphs to View the Imminent Data on the Graphs

If you want to clear the existing realtime data to view only the latest data on the dashboard, you must perform the following steps:

NOTE:The following steps clear the data but the data is not deleted from the server. You can retrieve the older data by using the offline data mode. For more information about viewing the dashboard in offline data mode, refer

  1. Use the SSH client to connect to Analytics Server.

  2. Stop the real-time aggregator service by using the following command:

    /etc/init.d/novell-realtime stop

  3. Delete the index file by using the following command:

    Access Manager 4.3: curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/realtimegraphs'

    Access Manager 4.3 Service Pack 1: curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/realtimegraphsv4.3.1'

  4. Start the real-time aggregator service by using the following command:

    /etc/init.d/novell-realtime start

    It takes few minutes for the data to be reflected on the graphs.

30.4.4 Cannot Launch Analytics Dashboard after reimporting Analytics server

After importing/ re-importing an Analytics Server, you cannot access Analytics Dashboard. This happens when there is an issue with certificates. To resolve this issue, re-push the certificates. For information about re-pushing the certificates, refer the steps mentioned in Section 30.4.1, When You Launch Analytics Dashboard It Displays a Blank Page.

30.4.5 The Analytics Server Health is Not Reported to Administration Console

When you check the health of Analytics Server from Administration Console (Devices > Analytics Servers), the health for a specific Analytics Server displays the not responding icon. When you click on the icon, the Server is not reporting status message is displayed. To resolve this issue, you must restart the dashboard service by running the following command on the specific Analytics Server:

/etc/init.d/novell-dashboard restart

30.4.6 Analytics Dashboard Does Not Display the Graphs but Displays the Health Status of the Devices

When you launch Analytics Dashboard, the graphs are unavailable but the Identity Server, Access Gateway, Access Gateway Clusters, and Identity Server Clusters graphs display the health status of all devices.

All the services run properly, but the graphs are not generated. This issue occurs when Analytics Server does not receive the required events.

To resolve this issue, perform the following on Administration Console:

  1. Enable required events

    For more information about enabling events for a specific graph, refer Section 18.5, Enabling Events for Each Graph.

  2. Click Devices > Analytics Servers > Reports

  3. Log in to Reports console

  4. Click admin > Applications

  5. Click Launch Control Center

  6. Download and open control_center.jnlp

  7. In the security warning screen, click Continue

  8. Click Run to open the control center application

  9. Click the Configuration tab

  10. On the menu bar, click Configuration > Integrator Manager

  11. Click Test

  12. (Conditional) If the test fails, restart the realtime aggregator by running the following command on the required Analytics Server:

    /etc/init.d/novell-realtime restart

  13. (Conditional) If the test is successful and still no graphs are displayed, then you must check the routing configuration.

    1. In Administration Console, click Devices > Analytics Servers > Reports.

    2. In the Reports console click Routing.

    3. Under Event Routing Rules, configure the SyslogRouting rule by clicking Edit, then updating the following fields if these details are not updated automatically:

      Criteria: (((sev:[0 TO 5]) NOT st:"I" NOT st:"A" NOT st:"P") AND ("NIDS\: User session was authenticated" OR evt:"NIDS\: Risk based authentication action for user" OR rv40:"002E0606" OR rv40:"002E0525" OR rv40:"002E001F" OR rv40:"002E0029" OR rv40:"002E0514" OR rv40:"002E0102"))

      Route to the following services: ALL

      Perform the following actions: Log to Syslog

    4. (Conditional) If the SyslogRouting rule is not configured, click Create to create a new event rule with any name and provide the same details as mentioned inStep 13.c.

30.4.7 When Deploying Analytics Server in High Availability Mode, crm status Displays Failed Actions

When you run the crm status command, if an error message is displayed with failed actions for a specific node, then restart cluster services by using /etc/rc.d/openais restart on that node.