2.1 Updating This Patch on Linux

2.1.1 Updating Identity Manager Engine

  1. (Conditional) If you are running this patch as a root user, perform the following steps:

    1. Run the following command to stop the Identity Vault instance:

      ndsmanage stopall
    2. Download the Identity_Manager_4.8.5_P1_Engine.zip file.

    3. Extract the Identity_Manager_4.8.5_P1_Engine.zip file.

    4. Navigate to the <extracted location>/Engine/Linux/x64 folder and run the following commands:

      rpm -Uvh novell-DXMLbasenoarch-4.8.5-0100.x86_64.rpm
      rpm -Uvh novell-DXMLengnx-4.8.5-0100.x86_64.rpm
      rpm -Uvh novell-DXMLeventx-4.8.5-100.x86_64.rpm
    5. (Conditional) If you are running this patch on OES Operating System, navigate to the <extracted location>/Linux /x64 and run the following commands:

      rpm -Uvh --force novell-DXMLbasenoarch-4.8.5-0100.x86_64.rpm
      rpm -Uvh novell-DXMLengnx-4.8.5-0100.x86_64.rpm
      rpm -Uvh novell-DXMLeventx-4.8.5-100.x86_64.rpm --nodeps
    6. Run the following command to start the Identity Vault instance:

      ndsmanage startall
  2. (Conditional) If you are running this patch as a non-root user, perform the following steps:

    1. Download the Identity_Manager_4.8.5_P1_Engine.zip file.

    2. Extract the Identity_Manager_4.8.5_P1_Engine.zip file.

    3. Run the following command to stop the Identity Vault instance:

      ndsmanage stopall
    4. Set the root directory path for Identity Vault.

      export ROOTDIR='<root directory path>'

      For example,

      export ROOTDIR='/home/idvault'
    5. Upgrade the RPMs using the following command:

      rpm --dbpath $ROOTDIR/rpm -Uvh --relocate=/usr=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/etc=$ROOTDIR/etc --relocate=/opt/novell/eDirectory=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/opt/novell/dirxml=$ROOTDIR/opt/novell/dirxml --relocate=/var=$ROOTDIR/var --badreloc --nodeps --replacefiles /<path to the new rpms>

      For example:

      rpm --dbpath /home/idvault/rpm -Uvh --relocate=/usr=/home/idvault/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/etc=/home/idvault/etc --relocate=/opt/novell/eDirectory=/home/idvault/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/opt/novell/dirxml=/home/idvault/opt/novell/dirxml --relocate=/var=/home/idvault/var --badreloc --nodeps --replacefiles <location where you extracted the Identity Manager 4.8.5 Engine Patch>/Engine/Linux/x64/novell-DXMLbasenoarch-4.8.5-0100.x86_64.rpm
      rpm --dbpath /home/idvault/rpm -Uvh --relocate=/usr=/home/idvault/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/etc=/home/idvault/etc --relocate=/opt/novell/eDirectory=/home/idvault/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/opt/novell/dirxml=/home/idvault/opt/novell/dirxml --relocate=/var=/home/idvault/var --badreloc --nodeps --replacefiles <location where you extracted the Identity Manager 4.8.5 Engine Patch>/Engine/Linux/x64/novell-DXMLengnx-4.8.5-0100.x86_64.rpm
      rpm --dbpath /home/idvault/rpm -Uvh --relocate=/usr=/home/idvault/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/etc=/home/idvault/etc --relocate=/opt/novell/eDirectory=/home/idvault/opt/novell/eDirectory --relocate=/opt/novell/dirxml=/home/idvault/opt/novell/dirxml --relocate=/var=/home/idvault/var --badreloc --nodeps --replacefiles <location where you extracted the Identity Manager 4.8.5 Engine Patch>/Engine/Linux/x64/novell-XMLeventx-4.8.5-100.x86_64.rpm
    6. Run the following command to start the Identity Vault instance:

      ndsmanage startall

2.1.2 Updating Remote Loader

NOTE:Before updating the Remote Loader, ensure that the following components are stopped:

  • Remote Loader instance

  • Driver instance running with the Remote Loader

  • Remote Loader Console

  1. Download and extract the Identity_Manager_4.8.5_P1_Engine.zip file.

  2. Navigate to the <extracted location>/RL/Linux directory.

  3. (Conditional) If you are running a 64-bit Remote Loader, navigate to the x64 directory and run the following commands:

    rpm -Uvh novell-DXMLbasenoarch-4.8.5-0100.x86_64.rpm
    rpm -Uvh novell-DXMLrdxmlx-4.8.5-0100.x86_64.rpm
  4. (Conditional) If you are running a 32-bit Remote Loader, navigate to the x86 directory and run the following command:

    rpm -Uvh novell-DXMLbasenoarch-4.8.5-0100.i586.rpm
    rpm -Uvh novell-DXMLrdxml-4.8.5-0100.i586.rpm
  5. Start the Remote Loader instance and the driver instance.

NOTE:If Remote Loader and Identity Vault are installed on the same machine, you must ensure to upgrade the Identity Vault.

2.1.3 Updating Fanout Agent

NOTE:Before updating the Fanout Agent, ensure that the following components are stopped:

  • Fanout Agent instance

  • Driver instance

  1. Download and extract the Identity_Manager_4.8.5_P1_Engine.zip file.

  2. Navigate to the <extracted location>/FanoutAgent/Linux/x64 directory.

  3. Run the following command to update the rpms below:

    rpm -Uvh novell-DXMLbasenoarch-4.8.5-0100.x86_64.rpm
    rpm -Uvh novell-DXMLfanoutagent-1.2.6-0100.noarch.rpm
  4. Start the Fanout Agent instance and the driver instance.

NOTE:You must ensure to upgrade Engine to support the upgraded Fanout Agent.

2.1.4 Updating Identity Applications

  1. Stop the Tomcat, NGINX, and Golang services by executing the following commands:

    systemctl stop netiq-tomcat.service
    systemctl stop netiq-nginx.service
    systemctl stop netiq-golang.service
  2. Download and extract the Identity_Manager_APPS_4.8.5_P1.zip file.

  3. Navigate to the <extracted location>/Linux directory.

  4. Back up the IDMProv.war and workflow.war files from the <Identity Applications Tomcat installed location>/webapps directory.

  5. Run the following commands:

    rpm -Uvh netiq-userapp-4.8.5-0100.noarch.rpm
    rpm -Uvh netiq-workflow-
    rpm -Uvh netiq-forms-
  6. (Conditional) If you install the rpm as root, navigate to the /opt/netiq/idm/apps/tomcat/webapps/ directory and run the following commands to add execute permission and user rights for the replaced war files:

    • chmod +x IDMProv.war idmadmin.war idmappsdoc.war idmdash.war workflow.war
    • chown -R novlua:novlua IDMProv.war idmadmin.war idmappsdoc.war idmdash.war workflow.war
    • chown -R novlua:novlua /opt/netiq/idm/apps/tomcat/conf
    • chown -R novlua:novlua /opt/netiq/idm/apps/sites
  7. Delete the following from the <Identity Applications Tomcat installed location>/webapps directory:

    • IDMProv folder

    • workflow folder

  8. Delete all the files and directories from the <Identity Applications Tomcat installed location>/temp and <Identity Applications Tomcat installed location>/work directories.

  9. Start the Golang and NGINX services by executing the following commands:

    systemctl start netiq-golang.service
    systemctl start netiq-nginx.service
  10. (Conditional) If you are using the PostgreSQL database shipped with Identity Manager, run the following command to restart PostgreSQL.

    systemctl restart netiq-postgresql.service
  11. Start the Tomcat service:

    systemctl start netiq-tomcat.service

2.1.5 Updating the SSPR

NOTE:Use this method if SSPR is:

  • Installed on a different server than the Identity Applications server.

  • Installed in a Standard Edition.

  1. Stop the Tomcat service:

    systemctl stop netiq-tomcat.service
  2. Download and extract the Identity_Manager_SSPR_4.8.5_P1.zip file.

  3. Navigate to the <extracted location>/Linux directory.

  4. Run the following command:

    rpm -Uvh netiq-sspr-
  5. (Conditional) If you install the rpm as root, run the following commands to execute permissions and user rights for the replaced war files:

    • chmod +x sspr.war
    • chown -R novlua:novlua sspr.war
  6. Start the Tomcat service:

    systemctl start netiq-tomcat.service

2.1.6 Updating the iManager

NOTE:This update procedure is optional if the version of iManager is other than

  1. Download and extract the iMan_326_P2_linux_x86_64.tgz file from the Download site.

  2. Navigate to the <extracted location>\iManager\installs\linux directory.

  3. Run the installer using the following command:


Post-Update Steps for iManager

To update the Identity Manager plug-ins from iManager, perform the following actions:

  1. Log in to iManager.

  2. Navigate to Configure > Plug-in Installation > Available NetIQ Plug-in Modules.

  3. Select the NetIQ Identity Manager iManager 3.2 Plug-ins for IDM and click Install.

  4. Restart the Tomcat.

2.1.7 Updating Identity Manager Third Party License

  1. Navigate to the Identity Manager installed folder on your machine, find the IdentityManager-3rdParty-license.txt file location. For example, /opt/netiq/idm/IdentityManager-3rdParty-license.txt.

  2. Download and extract the Identity_Manager_4.8.5_P1_Engine.zip file.

  3. Navigate to the <extracted location>/license directory.

  4. Copy the IdentityManager-3rdParty-license.txt file and replace it with the file in the location specified in Step 1.