Constraint error when creating an ad-hoc Management Group (NETIQKB73348)

  • 7773348
  • 23-Jan-2012
  • 23-Feb-2012


NetIQ AppManager 8.x


Column 'Computer.Repository' is constrained to be unique. Value is already present.


Run the following query against the NQCCDB database to determine which machines have a duplicate entry.

SELECT Computer,
 COUNT(Computer) AS NumOccurrences
FROM ComputerServer
where typeid = 16 or typeid = 2
GROUP BY Computer
HAVING ( COUNT(Computer) > 1 )

If this query returns any results please contact NetIQ Technical Support to remove the duplicate entries from the QDB database.



This is due to a duplicate computer object within the QDB.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB73348