Cache Manager - SQL Error: CC_SyncQDBObjectTypes: failed to find @datasourcename. (SQL severity 18). (NETIQKB73345)

  • 7773345
  • 23-Jan-2012
  • 23-Feb-2012


NetIQ AppManager 8.0.x
NetIQ Control Center 8.0.x


[SQL COMMAND: EXEC dbo.SyncManagementGroup N'OD-703-W-CS-23.QDB' ] SyncManagementGroup: call to CC_SyncManagementGroup failed. SQLError = SyncQDBObjectType: Failed to call CC_SyncQDBObjectTypes for DataSource:[OD-703-W-CS-23].[QDB] . SQL Error: CC_SyncQDBObjectTypes: failed to find @datasourcename. (SQL severity 18).


In the future it we do find this issue you can do 1 of the two following items:

  1. If you remove and readd all of the QDB(s), one is having an authentication issue.
  2. Run the following insert statement against the QDB(s):

                   Insert into CC_Parameter (ParamID, ParamName, Format, ValueStr) values (1, 'DataSourceName', 'String', Upper(@@SERVERNAME) + '.' + DB_NAME())

This will place the parameter in the qdb about the CCDB.


This error can occur when migrating AppManager 7.0.x QDBs to AppManager 8.0.x and the datasource name is not updated properly by tasks.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB73345