What is the purpose of the Current Value drop down list? (NETIQKB73334)

  • 7773334
  • 23-Jan-2012
  • 23-Jan-2012


NetIQ AppManager 8.x


What is the purpose of the Current Value drop down list?
Select Override Value Screen drop-down button doesn't work
KS Override dialog drop-down buttons do not function


This is as by design.

Name field: The drop down button is disabled to avoid loading of custom properties. When there are huge custom properties defined in a system then it will lead to a performance issue. The drop down button is available only while creating a new property to allow the user to know what custom properties are already defined. It will help the user to choose one of the values from drop down and to alter its name.

For example: You already have defined one custom property named 'Exchange2k3_Admin' and now would like to create similar property for Exchange 2k8 then you can choose this custom property and alter its name to 'Exchange2k8_Admin'. With this you would need to type just a single character.

Current Value field: Current value is the value of the custom property on the computer where the Knowledge Script job is running. If you are adding a custom property override to a Knowledge Script, you cannot specify a value for the custom property in the Current Value field. If you are adding a custom property override to a Knowledge Script job, you can specify a value for the custom property in the Current Value field (Please refer to the help file for more information).

Value on All Computer: Displays the value of the custom property on all computers managed by the Control Center console. This information is useful if you are looking for a similarly configured computer so that you can use the same override values for a parameter.

As KSG members or KS is not specific to any server or computer, Hence you can specify custom property name but cannot apply value to it. To apply custom property value on any KS or KSG member, the kS should run as a job on a specified computer.

For example: In job view, when you check the job properties, the custom property and the value can be applied there since the KSG member or KS is running on a specific computer


In Control Center, select a Knowledge Script or KSG Member, and open the properties.  Select a value and click the Overrides ellipsis button to open the "select Override Value" dialog.

In this dialog, both the Name field and the Current Value field have drop-down buttons, but neither button functions.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB73334