goal How do I replicate RRM using a high availability solution when the backup server does not need to have RRM active during replication? goal I am using Mimix or another high availability solution (OMS, ITerra) and need to copy RRM to a target server. goal How do I replicate RRM settings from one system to another? fact NetIQ Security Solutions for iSeries 8.0 fact VigilEnt Security Agent for iSeries 7.5 fact Remote Request Management (RRM) fact MIMIX fact OMS/ODS fact Data Mirror fix This article allows you to set up replication of RRM settings using two options: 1. Using high availability software. 2. Use RRM's native RRMSNDCFG tool. This tool allows you to replicate RRM settings from the live environment on the source server to the What if environment on the target server. Setting are readyt to be promoted to the live environment when replicated to the What if environment on the target server. Option 1: To replicate RRM successfully, ensure you do not have exit program NW0001E on any exit point on the target system: 1. From PSMENU, select options 2, 3, and 8. 2. Press F11 four times. 3. Scroll down to verify none of the exit points have value NW0001E in the "exit program" field. Ensure your high availability solution replaces the target file data and does not add to the files. Adding to the data of the RRM files on the target system will result in RRM failure. Before you can replicate the files that contain the configuration, first you need to remove the database triggers on those files. You can use a CL program or a PDM option with command RMVPFTRG. Run command DSPFD FILE(PSCOMMON/*ALL) TYPE(*TRG) OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) FILEATR(*PF) OUTFILE(QTEMP/DSPFD_TRG) to create a file with all files with triggers or use the following list: RRM Files with database triggers in PSCOMMON. NW0008F NW0010F NW0011F NW0014F NW0015F NW0016F NW0017F NW0050F NW0051F NW0052F NW0057F NW0110F NW0111F NW0114F NW0115F NW0116F NW0117F NW0150F NW0151F NW0152F NW0157F NW0210F NW0211F NW0214F NW0215F NW0216F NW0217F NW0250F NW0251F NW0252F NW0257F After the triggers are removed, replicate the following files: NW0004F Collected Paths NW0006F Collected Objects NW0007F Collected Entries NW0008F RRM Defaults NW0009F Command strings NW0n10F Objects NW0n11F Exit Points NW0013F Table for Field values NW0n14F Groups and members NW0n15F Secured Entries NW0n16F Object authorities NW0n17F Networks, Users, Functions, Groups NW0018F Servers NW0019F Server/Functions NW0020F Server/Function/Commands NW0n50F Actions & Calendar Header NW0n51F Calendar Detail NW0n52F User/Server Overrides NW0052FA User/Server Overrides Actions NW0n53F Operation & Group descriptions NW0055F UsrPrf/MsgQ for RRM Defaults NW0n57F User Object Action (Overrides) Where n = either 0,1 or 2 for the RRM environment. We suggest replicating all files for all environments. It is also important to replicate user space NW0020U in library PSCOMMON, which holds the environment value. RRM has multiple environments on the system, each denoting the live, what if and an ?in between? environment which is listed in the NW0020U user space. After you have gone live on the backup server, use the following commands to add the database triggers and rebuild user indexes: ADDLIBLE PSCOMMON CALL NW0099E CALL NW0089C Option 2: Use command RRMSNDCFG in library PSCOMMON to send the RRM configuration over to the What if environment on the target server. Please note that the "Target System" field in the RRMSNDCFG command is referring to a name in the TCP/IP host table (From a command line, type CFGTCP and use option 10). After the data has been promoted to the target server, use command NW0093M DATA(*PROMOTE) to promote the what if data to the "live" environment. Both commands can be scheduled and reside in library PSCOMMON. To promote the what if data to the "live" environment using the menu options: 1. On the target system, from PSMENU, select options 2, 3, 10, and 1 to view and work with secured entries imported from another system. 2. Use option 11 (Promote What If Files) to move What-If entries to the secured environment. NOTE: ALL WHAT-IF CONFIGURATION IS MOVED TO THE SECURED ENVIRONMENT, SO IF EXIT POINTS SPECIFY SECURED = *YES IN THE WHAT-IF ENVIRONMENT, THEY WILL ALSO SPECIFY SECURED = *YES IN THE SECURED ENVIRONMENT. List of files transferred: NW0n10F - Objects NW0n11F - Exit Points NW0n14F - Groups and Members NW0n15F - Secured Entries NW0n16F - Object Authorities NW0n17F - Networks, Users, Functions, Groups NW0n50F - Actions and Calendar Header NW0n51F - Calendar Detail NW0n52F - User/Server Overrides NW0n53F - Operation and Group Descriptions NW0n57F - User/Object Actions (Overrides) Where n = either 0,1 or 2 for the RRM environment.