How to get a support bundle for Advanced Authentication

  • 7024642
  • 21-May-2020
  • 21-May-2020


Advanced Authentication 6.x


When calling for support on an issue with Advanced Authentication server, support may ask for a support bundle.
This TID documents the steps necessary to generate a support bundle for AAF.

The generation of a support bundle utilizes a support tool called SLAnalyzer.

SLAnalyzer is a tool developed by Micro Focus Customer Care to assist in the troubleshooting of support related issues.
It includes a log reader which parses text based log files. A tools menu that provides a REST client for SSPR and AAF, LDAP browser,
a listing of registry keys used by a number of different products, and a growing number of other features.
It also includes an analysis report engine for a number of different configurations and products.

SLAnalyzer can be downloaded from:

Documentation for SLAnalyzer can be accessed from the Help menu. Help ⇨ User Manual

Note that this tool is not supported by Micro Focus engineering. It is provided as a free diagnostic tool to assist in quicker resolution to customer issues. See the help menu ⇨ About for further details

The first time you launch SLAnalyzer on a Windows workstation you will be prompted to select the location of the default report folder. This folder is used to store any generated files or other logs. By default this location points to C:\NSLFiles but can be pointed to any location accessible by the tool.

To accept the default location just click the Ok button.
If the folder does not exist then SLAnalyzer will prompt the user to create the folder.

After defining the default report folder then from the main menu select the option Tools ⇨ Advanced Authentication

Enter the URL for the AAF server. In this example we use

Enter the Authentication credentials. We need an administrative user to gather the correct information. In this example we use local\admin

Enter the password for the administrative user.

Select the option “Generate Support Bundle” then click the execute button.

If this is the first time you have used SLAnalyzer for an AAF session, you will be prompted to select the endpoint name to connect to.

If you have enabled one or more of the public endpoints (Endpoint41 or Endpoint42) then you can select one of them from the list. If you select the endpoint named SLAnalyzer then the tool will attempt to create a new diagnostic endpoint with the name of SLAnalyzer.

Once you have selected a valid endpoint then the tool will prompt for the login chain to authenticate the user.

For the local\admin user this would be the method Password. If you are using a LDAP administrative account then you can select LDAP Password.

When selecting password you will be prompted to enter the password value. The LDAP password is read from Authentication Credentials password value defined on the main Advanced Authentication window.

After a successful authentication the application will create an endpoint session with the server, query the server for information, and then create a zip file containing the server configuration and debug logs.

The zip file will be created in the configured SLAnalyzer report folder (Default is C:\NSLFiles).

The zip file should be appropriate to send to support for analysis.