How to manually uninstall iManager 3 on a Linux server

  • 7024068
  • 16-Aug-2019
  • 16-Aug-2019


iManager 3
iManager 3.1


The uninstall file for iManager 3.X  sometimes fail.


The follow steps are for a Linux server with iManager 2.7 installed, however they do NOT apply to an OES2 server and should not be used on an OES2 server.

1. Stop Tomcat8 (/etc/init.d/novell-tomcat8 stop)
2 rpm -e --nodeps novell-imanager novell-plugin-base

3. If there is an nps directory in /var/opt/novell/tomcat8, then
mv /var/opt/novell/tomcat8/nps /var/opt/novell/tomcat8/deleted-nps

4. Run the following four commands:

rpm -e --nodeps novell-tomcat8
rpm -e --nodeps novell-base
rpm -e --nodeps novell-tomcat8-webapps

5. Rename the following files: 

mv /var/opt/novell/iManager /var/opt/novell/deleted-iManager
mv /var/opt/novell/novlwww /var/opt/novell/deleted-novlwww
mv /etc/opt/novell/iManager /etc/opt/novell/deleted-iManager
mv /opt/novell/iManager /opt/novell/deleted-iManager
mv /etc/opt/novell/registry /etc/opt/novell/deleted-registry

6. Reinstall iManager

7. Once iManager is reinstalled and working fine, remove the following files

rm -rf /var/opt/novell/deleted-*