Auditds module could not be loaded (9)

  • 7023466
  • 22-Oct-2018
  • 22-Oct-2018


eDirectory 9


Whenever the auditds process is started it fails with: module could not be loaded (9)

Nproduct.log show: LCache could not process event for the application eDirInst. Reconnecting LCache Again


1. Though not configured the first instance was caused by the log location parameter in /etc/logevent.conf pointing to an old audit log location previously used.  (IE., /var/opt/novell/naudit/cache).  Simply specifiy a different location or clear out the directory currently be used.

2. Another case was due to the /etc/logevent.conf file having LogHost=  Change this parameter to Not Configured or the address of the logging server if using auditds.