amdiagcfg/ambkup/amrestore fail after upgrade to NAM 4.4

  • 7022106
  • 16-Oct-2017
  • 19-Oct-2017


Access Manager 4.4


amdiagcfg/ambkup/amrestore on SLES 12 SP1, SP2 with NAM 4.2.2 working fine. After upgrading to NAM 4.4 which comes with eDirectory 9.0.3, we will see zypper/curl commands failing as per TID 7021958. Following the resolution steps as per that TID causes amdiagcfg/ambkup/amrestore to fail with below error.


                   ./ line 152:  7966 Aborted                 ${JAVA} -Djava.library.path=/opt/novell/lib64 -jar certtool.jar 
-edirTree ${EDIR_TREE} -edirIP ${IP_ADDR} -edirServer ${EDIR_SERVER_DN_DOT} -edirUser
${DS_ADMIN_DN_DOT} -edirPwd ${DS_ADMIN_PWD} -bkup -file "${BKUP_DIR}/${BKUP_FILE}.zip" -pwd
"${CERT_ENC_PWD}" -trcontainer trustedRoots.accessManagerContainer.novell -caName "${EDIR_CA}" >> ${LOG_FILE} 2>&1


This is a bug and below workaround could be used to address it:


a.      Add below line to the amdiagcfg/ambkup/amrestore  scripts - :

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/novell/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH


Following the steps in TID 7021958 results in this error.