"Tree or server not found" due to Windows Firewall blocking XTSVCMGR.EXE

  • 7012408
  • 13-May-2013
  • 13-May-2013


Novell Client 2 SP3 for Windows 7


"Tree or server not found" error when attempting to login
Novell Client is not receiving DHCP option data for Tree, Server, and Context fields
Disabling Windows firewall resolves the problem


Adjust the Windows Firewall settings to allow Novell's XTier Service Manager (XTSVCMGR.EXE) service through the firewall.

Additional Information

To operate properly, the Novell Client requires to following TCP/IP ports to be open on the firewall:

Port 524 - NCP (always)
Port 427 - SLP (typically used)
Port 389 - LDAP Contextless Login (if used)
Port 636 - LDAP Contextless Login Secure (if used)

To test if a port is open, use the Telnet utility. For example, to test port 524, Telnet to the server on port 524, and see if it answers. (telnet <ip_address_of_the_server> 524) If the connection is successful, you get a cursor prompt. If not, you get an error such as "could not open connection to the host." (<Ctrl><C> to end.)

Note that, on Windows 7, the Telnet utility is not installed by default, and you may need to go to Control Panel - Programs and Features - Turn Windows Features On and Off, in order to enable it.