About Your Login

Your login account is designed to allow you to use a single set of authentication credentials to access all of the secure applications or databases on OpenText, Micro Focus and NetIQ to which you have entitlement rights.

Instead of entering your user ID and password each time, this single-point authentication, or login, gives you instant access to everything once logged in.

How it Works

The login uses eDirectory™ , with its superior scalability, security, speed and reliability, to store and maintain your login account. Authentication and access control is provided by NetIQ Access Manager™ , which also accelerates content and provides a single-sign-on environment. Together, eDirectory and Access Manager provide a solution that simplifies, secures, and accelerates your customer experience.

Why This is Cool

Reports show that on average, a typical user spends around 44 hours a year just managing multiple logins. Although we won't be solving all of your login concerns across the internet with this login, we can make your daily experience on our websites faster and more enjoyable.

Sign Up!

If you haven't signed up yet, why don't you take a few minutes to set up your profile now, and start taking advantage of easier and simpler access.