How do I clear the last migration time in the EMA database? (NETIQKB36788)

  • 7736788
  • 02-Feb-2007
  • 08-Sep-2008


How do I clear the last migration time in the EMA database?

Exchange Migrator 1.x

Exchange Migrator 2.x

If something occurs during the mailbox migration that prevents some or all of the messages from being migrated, you may clear the LastMigration time from the database, run the post migration task "Synchronize and Update Migrated Mailboxes" in an attempt to bring over the missing messages.  The examples below assume that the database name is "EMA", which is the default name for the Exchange Migrator database.

Using SQL Query Analyzer or OSQL command line, the LastMigration time can be cleared as follows:

  1. To remove the LastMigration time for an entire project:

    Running the following query removes the LastMigration time for the given project number (idProject).  The idProject number for your particular project can be located by viewing the information in the Project table.  To check the idProject number using SQL Server Enterprise Manager, expand the EMA database, highlight tables, right click the Project table, and select return all rows.  It is critical that you specify the correct 'idProject' number to ensure the LastMigration value is removed for the desired project.  Specify the project number in the query below.

    UPDATE Projectstatus
    SET projectstatus.LastMigration = ''
    FROM ProjectStatus, MigrationInfo
    WHERE (idProject = 'idProject_Number')

  2. To remove the LastMigration time for a group of mailboxes based on the target alias names:

    Specify the target alias names in the query below.

    UPDATE Projectstatus
    SET projectstatus.LastMigration = ''
    FROM ProjectStatus, MigrationInfo
    WHERE MigrationInfo.idObject = ProjectStatus.idObjectID AND TargetAlias IN ('TargetAlias1', 'TargetAlias2')

  3. To remove the LastMigration time for a single mailbox based on the target alias name:

    Specify the target alias name in the query below.

    UPDATE Projectstatus
    SET projectstatus.LastMigration = ''
    FROM ProjectStatus, MigrationInfo
    WHERE MigrationInfo.idObject = ProjectStatus.idObjectID AND TargetAlias = 'TargetAlias1'

If you are using MSDE, start an OSQL command line as follows:

  1. Access a command prompt and enter the following:

    OSQL -U sa -P insert_sa_password_here

  2. You will then get a prompt that looks like '1>'. At this time, you can continue with the commands as they appear in this article. At the end of each command line hit the Enter/Return key. Once you have completed the above commands, add a line that says GO and press Enter/Return.

CAUTION: This SQL Query directly accesses your database and updates/deletes data. If the query is performed incorrectly it can cause irreparable harm to the database and may result in loss of data. If you are unfamiliar with SQL or how to run a SQL Query please contact NetIQ Technical Support directly.

How to Run a SQL Query:

  1. Open SQL Query Analyzer, which is located in the Microsoft SQL Server Program Group.

  2. Select the Server you wish to connect to and the authentication method. If you are unable to log in, contact your SQL administrator.

  3. Change to the database on which you want to run the query. This can be done via the drop-down list, or you may select the Query menu and select Change Database.

  4. Enter the Query, paying close detail to the exact syntax.

  5. Execute the Query by hitting F5 or the green forward arrow.

  6. The results of your Query will be displayed in the lower half of the screen.

  7. Please contact NetIQ Technical Support if you run into difficulty.

Additional Information

Formerly known as NETIQKB36788