3.8 Policy Validation in Designer Results in Multiple Errors

Issue: When you validate a policy in Designer, the project checker displays incorrect errors. Errors such as A '(' character or an element type is required in the declaration of element type "if-dest-attr" and error against valid policies from REST, SAP, AD and other drivers are reported. (Bug 322013)

Workaround: Manually modify if-dest-attr and if-src-attr attributes in dirxmlscript4.8.3.dtd document available at the DTD location. For example: C:\NetIQ\IDM\apps\Designer\plugins\com.novell.idm.policybuilder_4.0.0.202102182056\DTD\dirxmlscript4.8.3.dtd

In the dirxmlscript4.8.3.dtd document search and replace below attribute rules

  • <!ELEMENT if-dest-attr (((arg-dn | arg-association),( value? | component* ))? | (#PCDATA | component)*)> to <!ELEMENT if-dest-attr (#PCDATA | component | arg-dn | arg-association | value)*>

  • <!ELEMENT if-src-attr (((arg-dn | arg-association),( value? | component* ))? | (#PCDATA | component)*)> to <!ELEMENT if-src-attr (#PCDATA | component | arg-dn | arg-association | value)*>