17.3 Create an Availability Setting

  1. Select +.

  2. Specify when the time period during which you will be unavailable by typing the start date and time in Unavailable From, or by clicking the calendar button and selecting the date and time.

  3. Specify when the time period ends by clicking one of the following options under Unavailable Until.

    • No expiration: Indicates that this unavailability setting does not expire.

    • Specify duration: Lets you specify the time period in weeks, days, or hours.

    • Specify end date: Lets you specify the end date and time. You can type the date and time, or click the calendar button and select the date and time from the calendar.

    The end date you specify must be within the time period allowed by the delegate assignment. For example, if the delegate assignment expires on October 31, 2019, you cannot specify an expiration date of November 15, 2019 for the availability setting. If you specify an expiration date of November 15, 2019, it is automatically adjusted when it is submitted to expire on October 31, 2019.

  4. In All Request Types, select the types of requests not to accept during the time you are unavailable. This has the effect of delegating these requests to other users. This list displays the availability configuration that was earlier created in Designer. For more information see Administrators Guide to Designing the Identity Applications.

  5. Under Request type selection, drag and drop the required request type from Request(s) for selection to the Unavailable for the selected requests list.

  6. Click Create.