21.3 Create a Resource Without Entitlement

  1. Select +.

  2. Select the Without Entitlement option.

  3. Specify the values for all the fields marked with an asterisk (*).

    You can specify Name, ID, and Description for a resource in different languages. See, Change Language.


    • Do not use these < ; \ " + # = / | * ' ! @ $ % ~ special characters in the ID field.

    • Do not use these < ; \ " + # = / | * ~ special characters in the Name field.

    • Do not use these | ~ special characters in the Description field.

  4. (Optional) Specify the Subcontainer, Categories, and Owners from the list.

    NOTE:You cannot change the specified Subcontainer details later.

  5. (Conditional) If you want to set the expiration for the resource:

    1. Enable Expiration Required.

    2. Set the number of Days/Months/Years for which the access to the selected resource(s) should expire.

  6. Click Create Resource.