21.2 Create a Resource With Entitlement

  1. Select +.

  2. Select the With Entitlement option.

  3. In Entitlement or Driver, select the driver or entitlement for which you want to create a resource.

  4. You can choose to tag an entitlement value during the resource creation or allow the user to select the entitlement values at the time of the request.

    • To tag an entitlement value to a resource, specify the necessary entitlement values for the selected driver or entitlement.

      NOTE:For every specified entitlement values, a separate resource will be created.

    • To allow the users to choose entitlement values at the time of the request:

      1. Select Map Entitlement Values at Resource Request time.

      2. Specify Label for Value field.

      3. (Optional) To Allow this resource or entitlement to be assigned multiple times with different values, select this option.

  5. Click Create Resource.

    The Resource Name and Resource Description fields are auto-populated based on the selected driver or entitlement.

  6. (Conditional) Rename the Resource Name field to a valid name if it is containing any of these < ; \ " + # = / | * ~ special characters or a whitespace.

  7. (Conditional) Specify the Subcontainer, Categories, and Owners from the list.

    NOTE:You cannot change the specified Subcontainer details later.

  8. (Conditional) If you want to set the expiration for the resource:

    1. Enable Expiration Required.

    2. Set the number of Days/Months/Years for which the access to the selected resource(s) should expire.

    3. Click Apply.