27.0 View and Manage Cache Events

Caching allows you to manage various caches maintained by Identity Applications. These caches store the reusable data temporarily on the application server to optimize the system performance.

This page displays the cache settings (latest to your application restart). You can manage the cache collection mechanism by changing their configuration settings. You can also flush the cache contents, if necessary.

There are two levels of settings available to control the cache collection on your application server:

  • Global Settings: Global settings are stored in a central location (the Identity Vault) so that multiple application servers can use the same setting values. For example, If you have a cluster of application servers, the cluster configuration values use the global settings.

  • Local Settings: Local settings are stored separately on each application server so that an individual server can override the value of one or more global settings. For example, you might want to specify a local setting to remove an application server from the cluster specified in the global settings, or to reassign a server to a different cluster.

The global settings are the default values for every application server that uses a particular instance of User Application driver. Altering the global settings values affects every server unless it specifies local settings to override the global settings.