C.1 Silent Installation

You can silently install Sentinel Agent Manager components by running the installation program from the command line using the following basic syntax:

msiexec /i setup.msi /quiet /l*v LogFile.txt OPTIONS

This command instructs the installation program to run without showing a user interface. However, you still need to supply all of the necessary OPTIONS information on the command line when installing silently. For more information on possible silent installation options, see Section C.2, Installation Program Options.

WARNING:NetIQ recommends only advanced users who have experience with Microsoft Installer (MSI)-based applications install Sentinel Agent Manager components silently.

The following procedure describes how to use the silent installation capability to install a Sentinel Agent Manager configuration group.

Before installing Sentinel Agent Manager components silently, be aware of the following considerations:

  • The installation program does not validate any of the information you enter on the command line. Ensure you have entered the required information correctly before executing the command.

  • If the installation program cannot install Sentinel Agent Manager, the installation program notifies the user only by logging the failure in the installation log. The installation program does not display any errors or warnings during the process. When running the Sentinel Agent Manager installation program silently, ensure logging is enabled.

    To enable logging, include the option /l*v LogFile.txt in the command line, where LogFile.txt is the name of the text file where you want the installation program to log installation progress and any errors.

  • NetIQ recommends you do not install Sentinel Agent Manager database server components silently. Instead, you should install the necessary databases using the user interface-based setup program.

  • You can use the silent installation procedure to install Sentinel Agent Manager components or upgrade previously installed Sentinel Agent Manager components using the INSTALL_TYPE option. If you want to upgrade Sentinel Agent Manager, you must specify all components currently installed on the local computer using the ADDLOCAL option.

  • Ensure the computers on which you install Sentinel Agent Manager components, including the database server, have all the necessary prerequisites already installed. For more information about Sentinel Agent Manager prerequisites, see Section 2.0, Planning to Install Sentinel Agent Manager.

  • If you want to silently install a central computer, you must run the installation program from the complete installation kit. The installation program requires several specific files located in a standard location in the installation kit.

  • If you install Sentinel Agent Manager components on a computer running Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or Microsoft Windows Server 2008, the installation program automatically restarts the computer at the end of the installation process.

To silently install Sentinel Agent Manager components:

  1. Log on to the computer you want to use as your database server using an account that is a member of the local Administrators group. Also ensure your logon account is a member of the Microsoft SQL Server sysadmin role on the database server.

  2. Close all open applications.

  3. Run the setup program from the Sentinel Agent Manager installation kit.

  4. On the Select Sentinel Agent Manager Components window, select Database Server.

  5. Follow the instructions in the setup program until you reach the Finished window.

  6. Click Finish.

  7. After the setup program finishes installing database server components, log on to the computer on which you want to install one or more Sentinel Agent Manager components using an account that is a member of the local Administrators group. Also ensure your logon account is a member of the Microsoft SQL Server sysadmin role on the database server.

  8. Close all open applications.

  9. Open a command-line interface.

  10. In the command-line interface, navigate to the location of the Sentinel Agent Manager installation kit.

  11. In the Sentinel Agent Manager installation kit, open the INTEL folder.

  12. Enter the following command, including all applicable options:

    msiexec /i Setup.msi /quiet /l*v LogFile.txt CONFIGGROUP_NAME="ConfigGroup" CONFIGGROUP_ID="ConfigID" CONFIGGROUP_PASSWORD="Password" IS_SQLSERVER_SERVER="DatabaseServer" INSTALLDIR="C:\InstallDirectory\" INSTALL_TYPE="InstallType" ADDLOCAL="ComponentsToInstall" IS_NET_API_LOGON_USERNAME="Domain\ServiceAccount" IS_NET_API_LOGON_PASSWORD="ServiceAccountPassword"

    where LogFile, ConfigGroup, ConfigID, Password, DatabaseServer, InstallDirectory, InstallType, ComponentsToInstall, Domain, ServiceAccount, and ServiceAccountPassword are the appropriate values for your configuration group.

    For more information about installation program options, see Section C.2, Installation Program Options.

  13. After the installation program finishes, verify the installation program successfully installed the selected Sentinel Agent Manager components. For more information about verifying a silent installation, see Section C.4, Verifying Silent Installation.

  14. Close the command-line interface.