14.3 Specifying the Out of Band Sync Status Interval

When you enable Out of Band Sync, the driver maintains a status cache to store the status of the events that are successfully processed from the Out of Band cache. This status cache is used to ensure that duplicate or old events are not sent across when events from the normal driver cache are processed.

The Out of Band Sync status cleanup interval specifies the time in minutes, after which the entries in the event out of band sync status cache are checked for cleanup. This cleans up only the status entries of those events that are already processed from the normal cache. It takes effect only if you enable Out of Band Sync.

The driver includes a new GCV for the Out of Band Sync status cleanup interval on the DriverSet, namely dirxml.engn.ps.stat.purge.interval. This GCV can take a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 300 minutes. The default value is 5 minutes. If this GCV does not exist on the Driverset, the driver assumes a default value of 5 minutes.

You can use the dirxml.engn.ps.stat.purge.interval GCV to set the Out of Band Sync status cleanup interval, as shown in this example:

<definition critical-change="true" display-name="Out of Band Sync status purge
interval" name="dirxml.engn.ps.stat.purge.interval" range-hi="300" range-lo="1"
<description>Specify the time in minutes, after which the entries in the
Out of Band Sync status cache will be checked for cleanup.</description>

For information about how to view the Out of Band Sync cache, see Viewing the Out of Band Sync Cache.