2.5 Upgrading SSPR

Perform the following steps to upgrade the installed SSPR to the latest version:

  1. Download the existing server configuration file by using the Download Configuration File option in the SSPR portal.

    You can access the Download Configuration File option in Configuration Manager under Actions.

    You can also access this file through the following URL:

    When SSL is enabled: https://<IP address>:<port number>/sspr/config/ConfigManager#

    When SSL is not enabled: http://<IP address>:<port number>/sspr/config/ConfigManager#

  2. Stop the Tomcat service by running the following command:

    Windows: Locate the Tomcat program folder, then run bin\shutdown.bat

    Linux: tomcat\bin\shutdown.sh

    NOTE:On Windows servers, you can start or stop the Tomcat service by right-clicking the Tomcat icon in the System tray and making the selection.

  3. Copy the LocalDB directory in webapps/sspr/WEB-INF/LocalDB to a safe location.

    You can copy LocalDB manually or by using the SSPRCommand.bat ExportSSPRDB command.

    NOTE:LocalDB was previously known as SSPRDB in SSPR2.0.

  4. (Optional) If you have made any customization in SSPR such as changes in the user interface, copy these for later reference.

  5. Delete the existing installation from the tomcat Web application folder under <tomcat>/webapps. This path may vary on your system. Delete the sspr folder and the sspr.war file from the webapps folder under tomcat.

  6. Copy sspr.war from the SSPR installation media to the webapps directory.

  7. Go to \apache-tomcat-7.0.50\work\ and delete the catalina folder

  8. Restart the Tomcat service by running the following command:

    Windows: Locate the Tomcat program folder, then runtomcat\bin\startup.bat

    Linux: tomcat\bin\startup.sh

    NOTE:On Windows servers, you can start or stop the Tomcat service by right-clicking the Tomcat icon in the System tray and making the selection.

  9. Open the SSPR Web portal and configure it by using the Configuration Guide, manually, or by uploading an existing configuration file.

  10. Copy LocalDB to its original location or import it by using the SSPRCommand ExportSSPRDB command.

  11. Copy any customization as required.

  12. Stop and restart the Tomcat service to apply the changes in steps 10 and 11.

NOTE:The directory extension is not required if you have provided it during the previous installation.