4.6 Configuring LinkedIn as an Identity Source

Whether your SocialAccess application is an approved LinkedIn partner determines what user attributes SocialAccess is able to retrieve from LinkedIn. For more information about becoming a LinkedIn partner, see the LinkedIn website.

To configure LinkedIn as an identity source:

  1. Log in to LinkedIn at the LinkedIn Developer website.

  2. Click Add New Application.

  3. Create a new application with the following information:

    OAuth Accept Redirect URL: Specify https://dns_name/osp/a/t1/auth/saml2/sso where the dns_name is the DNS name of the SocialAccess appliance.

    JavaScript API Domains: Specify https://dns_name where the dns_name is the DNS name of the SocialAccess appliance.

  4. Copy the API Key value and the Secret Key value to use when you configure the connector for LinkedIn.

  5. Log in to the SocialAccess administration console:

  6. Drag and drop the connector for LinkedIn from the Identity Sources palette to the Identity Sources panel.

  7. Click the connector, then click Configure.

  8. Use the following information to configure the connector for LinkedIn:

    API Key: Specify the API Key value from the LinkedIn configuration.

    Secret Key: Specify the Secret Key value from the LinkedIn configuration.

    LinkedIn Partner: Select this check box if your application has an approved partner relationship with LinkedIn. In addition to the user ID, name, email, and photo, SocialAccess can retrieve user phone, language, date of birth, and street address attributes for LinkedIn partners.

    IMPORTANT:SocialAccess cannot validate your partner status. If you select this check box and your application is not an approved LinkedIn partner, authentication to LinkedIn will fail.

  9. Click OK, then click Apply to save the configuration.

The connector for LinkedIn is now an identity source for user logins.