1.4 Logging in to Access Manager

Use the following information to create links for the end users to use when logging into Access Manager while also authenticating to the identity source.

1.4.1 Configuring Service Provider-Initiated Logins

A login initiated by the service provider (SP) allows users to start the login process at the service provider or, in this case, at Access Manager. The user must have an account in the identity source and in Access Manager for single sign-on to work.

  1. The user accesses the SPĀ­initiated login URL you provide.


    NOTE:If you are using the one box Access Manager, do not use the port number.

  2. SocialAccess redirects the login back to the appliance.

  3. At the login screen, the user logs in using the user account and password from the identity source.

  4. SocialAccess redirects the login back to Access Manager.

  5. The user is authenticated to both the identity source and Access Manager at this point.

You must provide a link to the SP-initiated login URL for end users to access.


1.4.2 Configuring Identity Provider-Initiated Logins

A login initiated by the identity provider (IdP) allows users to start the login process at the identity provider or, in this case, at the appliance.

  1. The user accesses the IdP-initiated login URL you provide.


  2. The login page displays different authentication cards for each application configured to work with the appliance.

  3. The user clicks the card for Access Manager, then logs in using the user account and password from the identity source.

  4. SocialAccess redirects the login back to Access Manager.

  5. The user is authenticated to both the identity source and Access Manager at this point.

You must provide a link to the IdP-initiated login URL for users to access.


You can also copy the auto-generated URL on each icon to provide as a link for the user.