14.5 Managing Work Items Of Other Users

The Administration function allows an administrative user to release a work item from a specific user back to everyone in a role. This is beneficial if a work item is in already in process but the assigned user cannot complete the work.

  1. Log in into Sentinel as a user with iTRAC – Manage Work Items Of Other Users user rights.

  2. In the Summary pane, click View work items.

  3. In the Work Items window, set the following:

    • User: Name of the user that has acquired the process

    • Group: Name of the group that the user belongs to. In this example, the user belongs to the Analyst group.

    • Owner: Select <All> (all processes acquired or not), me (acquired processes), or Group (un-acquired processes).

    • Process: Name of the process.

    In this example, all processes are acquired by jr1, who belongs to the Analyst group.

  4. To release the work item, select the work item and click Release. Release changes to Acquire (not available).

    In this example, only a member of the Analyst group can acquire this work item.