1.1 Accessing the Novell Sentinel Web Interface

Use the Novell Sentinel Web interface to manage, run, schedule, and search reports, launch the Sentinel Control Center (SCC), the Sentinel Data Manager (SDM), and the Solution Designer, and download the Collector Manager installer and the Client installer. You can also perform full-text search on events by using the Web interface.

  1. Open a Web browser to the following URL:


    Replace svrname.example.com with the actual DNS name or IP address (such as of the server where Sentinel is running.

    IMPORTANT:The URL is case sensitive.

  2. If you are prompted to verify the certificates, review the certificate information, then click Yes if it is valid.

  3. Specify the username and password for the Sentinel account you want to access.

  4. Use the Languages drop-down list to specify which language you want to use.

    This is typically the same language as the language code of the Sentinel server and your local computer. Make sure to configure your browser's Languages setting to support the desired language.

  5. Click Sign in.