B.3 Remote Collector Manager Throws Exception on Windows 2008 When UAC is Enabled

Problem: Log in as any user who belongs to the Administrator group. Execute the setup.bat command in a terminal prompt to install the Collector Manager. Restart the system or start the Collector Manager services manually, then log in with the same user credentials. Exceptions are logged in the collector_manager0.0.log that impacts the following Collector Manager functionalities:

Common Cause: You have installed the Collector Manager on a Windows 2008 SP1 standard edition 64-bit. By default, the machine has the User Access Control (UAC) set to Enabled.

Action: Change the Log On owner for the Sentinel Rapid Deployment services to the current user. By default, the Log On owner is set to Local System Account. To change the default option:

  1. Run services.msc to open the Services window.

  2. Right-click Sentinel, then select Properties.

  3. In the Sentinel Properties window, select the Log On tab.

  4. Select This Account, then provide the credentials for the current user that you have used to install the Collector Manager.