C.3 Configuring the Connection Properties File

You need to manually create a database connection property file with the RAC database connection information. The database connection property file should be created on the same machine where DAS (Data Access Services) is installed. Some of the necessary information can be found in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file on the cluster nodes.

  1. Log in to the machine where the Sentinel Data Access Service (DAS) components are installed.

  2. Change to the $ESEC_HOME/config directory.

  3. Create the RACconnect.properties file.

    The following is a sample configuration for a service called OLTP with three nodes:

    (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST=ca-sent1.novell.com) (PORT=1521))
    (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST=ca-sent2.novell.com) (PORT=1521))
    (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=TCP) (HOST=ca-sent3.novell.com) (PORT=1521))

    NOTE:The entire advancedconnectionstring should be on a single line.

  4. Edit the configuration.xmlfile in $ESEC_HOME/config and add the following argument to the process components:


    The process components that need changes are:

    • DAS_Aggregation

    • DAS_Binary

    • DAS_iTRAC

    • DAS_Query

    • DAS_RT

    For example:

    <process component="DAS"depends="UNIX Communication Server,Windows Communication Server" image=""$(ESEC_JAVA_HOME)/java" -server -Dsrv_name=DAS_Query 
    -Xmx256m -Xms85m -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xss136k -Xrs 
    -Duser.language=en -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 
    -Desecurity.execution.config.file=../config/execution.properties -Dcom.esecurity.configurationfile=../config/configuration.xml 
    -jar ../lib/ccsbase.jar ..//config//das_query.xml" min_instances="1" name="DAS_Query" post_startup_delay="20" type="container" working_directory="$(ESEC_HOME)/data" />
  5. Restart the Sentinel services for the database connection changes to take effect.