14.6 Modifying Scalable Storage Configuration

  1. From Sentinel Main, click Storage > Scalable Storage.

  2. Modify the IP addresses or hostnames or port numbers of the desired components.

  3. (Optional) Modify the advanced configurations for CDH components.

  4. Click Save.

  5. (Conditional) If you modified YARN NodeManager IP addresses, SSDM IP address, or the Elasticsearch port number, update the whitelist accordingly to ensure that the Elasticsearch security plug-in grants access to the Elasticsearch clients.

    For more information, see Providing Secure Access to Additional Elasticsearch Clients in the Sentinel Installation and Configuration Guide.

  6. Verify whether any YARN applications are running:

    ./manage_spark_jobs.sh status

    If there are any YARN applications running, stop those applications:

    ./manage_spark_jobs.sh stop

  7. Restart data processing. For more information, see Processing Data.