27.1 Updating Spark Applications on YARN

During the Sentinel upgrade, some the of Spark application files are also updated. You must resubmit the Spark applications with these updated files by performing the following steps:

  1. Log in to the SSDM server as the novell user and copy the files to the Spark history server where HDFS NameNode is installed:

    cd /etc/opt/novell/sentinel/scalablestore

    scp SparkApp-*.jar avroevent-*.avsc avrorawdata-*.avsc spark.properties log4j.properties manage_spark_jobs.sh root@<hdfs_node>:<destination_directory>

    where <destination_directory> is any directory where you want to place the copied files. Also, ensure that the hdfs user has full permissions to this directory.

  2. Log in to the <hdfs_node> server as the root user and change the ownership of the copied files to hdfs user:

    cd <destination_directory>

    chown hdfs SparkApp-*.jar avroevent-*.avsc avrorawdata-*.avsc spark.properties log4j.properties manage_spark_jobs.sh

    Assign executable permission to the manage_spark_jobs.sh script.

  3. Run the following command to stop data processing:

    ./manage_spark_jobs.sh stop

  4. Clear the data processing checkpoint:

    sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -rm -R -skipTrash  /<checkpoint_directory>

    The location of the <checkpoint_directory> will be in the /etc/opt/novell/sentinel/scalablestore/spark.properties file. For example, /spark/checkpoint

  5. Run the following script to re-submit the Spark jobs:

    ./manage_spark_jobs.sh start

    The above command takes a while to complete the submit process.

  6. (Optional) Run the following command to verify the status of the submitted Spark jobs:

    ./manage_spark_jobs.sh status