31.7 Secondary Storage Configuration

Perform the following steps to configure the secondary storage so that Sentinel can migrate event partitions to less-expensive storage:

NOTE:This process is optional and the secondary storage does not need to be high-availability in the same way that you configured the rest of the system. You can use any directory, mounted from a SAN or not, NFS, or CIFS volume.

  1. In the Sentinel Main interface, in the top menu bar, click Storage.

  2. Select Configuration.

  3. Select one of the radio buttons under Secondary storage not configured

NetIQ recommends using a simple iSCSI Target as a network shared storage location, in much the same configuration as the primary storage. In your production environment, your storage technologies might differ.

Use the following procedure to configure the secondary storage for use by Sentinel:

NOTE:Because NetIQ recommends using an iSCSI Target for this solution, the target will be mounted as a directory for use as secondary storage. You must configure the mount as a filesystem resource similar to the way the primary storage filesystem is configured. This was not automatically set up as part of the resource installation script since there are other possible variations.

  1. Review the steps above to determine which partition was created for use as secondary storage (/dev/<NETWORK1>, or something like /dev/sdc1). If necessary create an empty directory on which the partition can be mounted (such as /var/opt/netdata).

  2. Set up the network filesystem as a cluster resource: use the Sentinel Main interface or run the command:

    crm configure primitive sentinelnetfs ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem params device="/dev/<NETWORK1>" directory="<PATH>" fstype="ext3" op monitor interval=60s

    where /dev/<NETWORK1> is the partition that was created in the Shared Storage Setup section above, and <PATH> is any local directory on which it can be mounted.

  3. Add the new resource to the group of managed resources:

     crm resource stop sentinelgrp
     crm configure delete sentinelgrp
     crm configure group sentinelgrp sentinelip sentinelfs sentinelnetfs sentineldb sentinelserver
     crm resource start sentinelgrp
  4. You can connect to the node currently hosting the resources (use crm status or Hawk) and make sure that the secondary storage is properly mounted (use the mount command).

  5. Log in to the Sentinel Main interface.

  6. Select Storage, then select Configuration, then select the SAN (locally mounted) under Secondary storage not configured.

  7. Type in the path where the secondary storage is mounted, for example /var/opt/netdata.

NetIQ recommends using simple versions of the required resources, such as the simple Filesystem Resource Agent - customers can choose to use more sophisticated cluster resources like cLVM (a logical-volume version of the filesystem) if they wish.