NetIQ Self Service Password Reset 4.8 Release Notes

September 2024

NetIQ Self Service Password Reset 4.8 includes several enhancements and software fixes.

The enhancement is made in direct response to suggestions from our customers. We thank you for your time and valuable input. We hope you continue to help us ensure our products meet all your needs. You can post feedback in the NetIQ Self Service Password Reset forum on Micro Focus Forums, our online community that also includes product information, blogs, and links to helpful resources.

The documentation for this product is available on the NetIQ website in HTML and PDF formats. If you have suggestions for documentation improvements, click comment on this topic at the bottom of any page in the HTML version of the documentation posted on the NetIQ Self Service Password Reset Documentation page. To download this product, see the Software Licenses and Downloads (SLD) website.

1.0 What is New

Self Service Password Reset 4.8 provides the following:

1.1 New Feature

This release includes the following feature:

Kubernetes Support

Self Service Password Reset now supports the Docker container deployment on the Kubernetes, using Helm charts.

Self Service Password Reset Docker image is optimized to run on Kubernetes, a popular container orchestration engine for Docker. Kubernetes simplifies deploying, running, scaling, and upgrading Self Service Password Reset Docker image.

This release supports the Self Service Password Reset docker image to run in the Kubernetes environment managed by Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) with Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Instance.

For more information, see Deploying Self Service Password Reset Containers on Amazon Kubernetes Services in the Self Service Password Reset 4.8 Installation Guide.

1.2 Enhancement

This release includes the following enhancements:

Enhanced LDAP Proxy User Support for Accessing RESTful Web Services

Now, the administrators can configure the LDAP proxy user to access RESTful Web Services using the Self Service Password Reset REST APIs. This feature restricts direct access to user information and password management functions from anonymous users or external systems.

To know more about the specific APIs accessible to the proxy user and configuration on enabling access to RESTful Web Services, refer Enabling Self Service Password Reset Proxy User for Accessing the RESTful Web Services in the Self Service Password Reset 4.8 Administration Guide.

Extended Support

This release extends the support for the following versions in addition to the existing versions:

  • PostgreSQL 15.3

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2022

  • Microsoft Edge 126.0.2592.102 and later

  • Google Chrome 126.0.6478.182 (64-bit) and later

  • Mozilla Firefox 128.0.2 (64-bit) and later

For more information, see Self Service Password Reset System Requirements.

1.3 Security Improvements

This release introduces the Allow Token Verification Outside the Browser Session and Verify ReCaptcha Post Token Verification option in the Token settings for enhanced security.

Now an administrator can restrict users from verifying an email token in a different browser session than the one where the activation process is initiated. This helps strengthen security measures.

For more information, see Verifying the Email Token in a Different Browser Session in the Self Service Password Reset 4.8 Administration Guide.

2.0 Resolved Issues

This release includes the following software fixes:



Helpdesk Portal, Forgotten Password, and Change Password

When an administrator configures the eDirectory password policy with a password length of a minimum of 20 characters, the SSPR is unable to generate a random password for 20 characters.

Administration Portal

When an administrator configures either the Embedded or Custom theme, the Locale Selection icon disappears and is displayed only as a rectangle.

Administration Portal

When an administrator clicks the Test SMS Settings button in the SMS Gateway configuration, the below error message is displayed:

An error has occurred. If this error occurs repeatedly please contact your help desk.

Administration Portal

The account information, password policy, and password history text under the My Account tile are not localized in any other language than English.

Administration Portal

If an administrator attempts to download the logs through View Log, the administration portal turns blank, and users are unable to download the logs.

Administration Portal

When an administrator enters the server address in the To field of the Forgotten Password Verification Email within the Email Template settings, Self Service Password Reset ignores the server address and fails to send an email to that specified server.

Product Upgrade

During the upgrade to Self Service Password Reset 4.7, when the administrator proceeds with the Product Upgrade after performing the Online Update, the following error message is displayed:

No upgrade is available

3.0 Known Issue

Self Service Password Reset 4.8 does not have any known issue.

4.0 Deprecated Support

Hyper-V support is deprecated in this release of Self Service Password Reset. If you are using the Hyper-V, it is recommended to migrate to VMware. For more information, refer the VMware vCenter Converter Standalone Documentation.

5.0 Upgrade

To upgrade Self Service Password Reset, see Upgrading or Migrating Self Service Password Reset in the Self Service Password Reset 4.8 Installation Guide.

5.1 Self Service Password Reset Appliance Upgrade Considerations

You cannot directly upgrade the appliance from version 4.6 or earlier to version 4.8. You must first upgrade to version 4.7, which must occur through the appliance administration console (:9443). The suggested upgrade order from version 4.6 to version 4.8 is as follows:

  • Upgrade SSPR 4.6 to its respective latest patch using Online Upgrade option in the appliance management console.

  • Upgrade SSPR 4.6 latest patch to SSPR 4.7.0 using Product Upgrade option.

  • Upgrade SSPR 4.7.0 to its respective latest patch using Online Upgrade option.

  • Upgrade SSPR 4.7 latest patch to SSPR 4.8 using Product Upgrade option.

  • Reboot the appliance based on the prompt.

6.0 Contact Information

For specific product issues, contact Micro Focus Support at

Additional technical information or advice is available from several sources:

7.0 Legal Notice

For information about legal notices, trademarks, disclaimers, warranties, export and other use restrictions, U.S. Government rights, patent policy, and FIPS compliance, see

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