A.28 How to access reports and logs in SSPR?

  1. Log in to SSPR as an administrator.

    An SSPR administrator is one whose LDAP object matches the Administrator Query String (Settings > LDAP Directory > Administrator Query String).

  2. In Main Menu, click Administration.

  3. Under System, click any one of the following based on your requirement:

    • System Details: To see the status and health of LocalDB, Services, Java, and Java Threads.

    • Event Log: To see the event logs.

    • Audit Log: To see the audit log. Audit logs can also be forwarded to Syslog and compatible servers.

      For more information about how to configure SSPR to forward logs to the Syslog service, see Configuring Logging and Auditing.

    • User Report: To generate user reports. You can export reports in the CSV format.

NOTE:You can configure the log level in SSPR. For more information, see Configuring Logging and Auditing.