15.3 Installing the Emergency Access Feature

  1. In the Custom Setup screen, select Emergency Access and specify how to install it.

  2. Specify the following details in the Client and Server configuration screen:

    1. Maximum Retry Attempts: A numerical value that indicates the maximum number of attempts a user is allowed for answering the challenge-response questions, before getting locked out. After the maximum number of attempts are exhausted, the Emergency Access feature is not accessible. The default number of attempts are 3.

      If you have configured a higher number of challenge-response questions for the user, specify a higher number for the retry attempts. This helps in a situation where the user forgets some of the answers to the challenge-response questions.

    2. Session Time Allowed: A numerical value that indicates the number of minutes the user is allowed to use the system in the Emergency Access mode. The time allocated for the session should be configured to ensure that the user does not use the system in the emergency access mode for extended durations. The default time allowed is 30 minutes.

      When lockout is imminent, a warning is displayed on the system tray. After the session time is exhausted, the user is automatically locked out of the system.

    3. SSPR Server URL: Indicates the URL of the SSPR server. The typical format is http://<ip address of sspr server>:<http port number of sspr webserver>/sspr/public/rest/.

    4. SSPR Request Timeout: A numerical value in seconds that indicates the maximum time emergency access service should wait for fetching the challenge-response information of the logged in user. The challenge information is fetched on every successful login.

      Specify a value based on the network speed and average amount of challenge information that might be present for the users. The default timeout value is 300 seconds.