17.3 Scripting for SNMP Auditing

The following examples use the Windows Notepad application. Although Notepad does not require you to log in, you can create an application definition to respond to the execution of almost any application and to elicit additional information, such as the machine name, as a SNMP alert.

17.3.1 Prerequisites

  • Identify the IP address of the receiving computer.

  • Ensure that the SNMP console is active.

  1. Close the Novell SecureLogin Client Utility if it is open.

  2. Start Notepad.

  3. In the notification area (system tray), right-click the Novell SecureLogin icon, then click Add Application. The Add Application Wizard is displayed.

  4. Follow the prompts to enable the application.

  5. In the notification area (system tray), double-click the Novell SecureLogin icon to open the Novell SecureLogin Client Utility.

  6. Click Applications.

  7. Double-click the application description. In this example, it is Untitled - Notepad.The Application pane is displayed.

  8. Click the Definition tab. The application definition tab will have has definition in the form of the edit Wizard definition.

    Click Convert to definition to view the application definition.

    The following example command sends an SNMP alert to the computer running the SNMP console application, advising that Notepad has been activated.

    You can set alerts for any event that SecureLogin responds to, including Change Password dialog boxes and error messages.

  9. After the EndDialog command, type the following:

    Run "C:\Program Files\novell\SecureLogin\slsnmp.exe" public <IP address> "Notepad has started"

  10. Click OK to save the command and to close the Novell SecureLogin Client Utility.

  11. Start Notepad. The alert is sent to the SNMP console.