2.0 Status of Your Assets


The Endpoint, Asset, and Agent overviews provide a snapshot of the overall health of your endpoints, assets, and agents, respectively. Health indicates whether the endpoint, asset, or agent is online or offline. If Secure Configuration Manager cannot accurately determine their state, the overviews lists them as unknown. Secure Configuration Manager also organizes endpoints by operating system and endpoint type, such as database version or application.

To view more specific information about the displayed data, you can select the numeric values that represent the endpoint, agent, or asset state. For example, two endpoints are offline. To identify the endpoints, select Offline 2 under Endpoints by Health. The Web console displays a list of the offline endpoints. You can then select one or more endpoint to check its heartbeat or re-register it.

NOTE:To successfully communicate and collect security information from the managed endpoints, the agents and endpoints must be registered with Core Services.

For more information about this software product, see the NetIQ Secure Configuration Manager documentation.