7.2 Considerations for Installing the Dashboard

Before installing the Dashboard, review the following considerations:

  • When you install the Dashboard, you must install the following components:

    • Dashboard infrastructure, which enables display in a Web browser

    • Analytics Database, which communicates with Core Services and the Secure Configuration Manager database to compile the results of assessments displayed in the Web console and Dashboard

  • The user account you use to install the Dashboard must be a member of the Administrators local group on the computer.

  • Web console users can launch the Dashboard without having to re-enter their credentials. To support a single sign-on process, provide one of the following scenarios in your environment:

    • Install the Dashboard on the Core Services computer. The Analytics Database component can be on a separate server. This scenario negates the need for specifying the Dashboard settings in the Web console.

    • In the Web console, specify the Port and the IP address or name of the Dashboard’s Host server. This assumes that the Dashboard is installed in the same domain as Core Services.

    To support single sign-on between the Web console and the Dashboard, both URLs must use either an IP address or a host name. That is, if you specify a host name for the Dashboard’s Host server, then you must also use a host name in the URL for the Web console. For example, https://testing.company.com:8044/scm and https://testing.company.com:8045/dashboard.

    If you install the Dashboard in a separate domain from Core Services, this single sign-on feature cannot function.

For more information about your server setup, see Deployment Considerations.