NetIQ Secure Configuration Manager

Version 5.9.1

Hotfix 7013386 Release Notes

Date Published: October 2013



This hotfix resolves specific previous issues. This document outlines why you should install this hotfix. Many of these improvements were made in direct response to suggestions from our customers. We thank you for your time and valuable input. We hope you continue to help us ensure our products meet all your needs. You can post feedback in the Secure Configuration Manager forum on Qmunity, our community Web site that also includes product notifications, blogs, and product user groups.

For more information about this hotfix and the latest readme, see the Secure Configuration Manager Documentation Web site. To download this hotfix, see the Secure Configuration Manager Hotfixes Web site.

What's New?

This hotfix resolves an issue in which the recurring schedule for the policy template does not run at the specified time. This issue occurs when you specify a time for Schedule Recurrence, the job is scheduled to an hour after the job is created. With this hotfix, the job runs at the specified time for the recuring schedule.(Bug840061)

This hotfix also resolves the issue in which the recurring schedule for the policy template is not edited. This issue occurs when you edit the time for the recurring schedule from the scheduled job queue and the time does not get updated. With this hotfix, you can run the policy template at the edited recurrence time.(Eng329223)

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Installing This Hotfix

This hotfix updates the Secure Configuration Manager Console Component. You must install the hotfix on the computer where the Console is installed.

To install this hotfix:

  1. Log in to the Console computer with a local administrator account.
  2. Run the SCM591_Hotfix7013386.exe file.
  3. Follow the instructions in the wizard until you have finished installing the hotfix.

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Verifying the Installation

Complete the following steps to verify that the installation was successful.

To check the installed hotfix version:

  1. Log on to the Secure Configuration Manager console.
  2. On the Help menu, click About NetIQ Secure Configuration Manager.
  3. On the Console tab, verify SCM 5.9.1 Hotfix 7013386.

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Modified Files

This hotfix updates the RecurrenceForm.cs in the Secure Configuration Manager Console.

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Contact Information

Our goal is to provide documentation that meets your needs. If you have suggestions for improvements, please email We value your input and look forward to hearing from you.

For detailed contact information, see the Support Contact Information Web site.

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For interactive conversations with your peers and NetIQ experts, become an active member of Qmunity, our community Web site that offers product forums, product notifications, blogs, and product user groups.

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