5.1 Configuring Appliance Deployment Logging

Secure API Manager allows you to configure various settings for the deployment log files for each product component. Since log files can quickly grow and take up valuable disk space, Secure API Manager bundles and prunes them according to the settings you configure. Bundling log files compresses them to reduce their size, helping you conserve disk space on the appliance.

  1. Log in to the appliance management console as the vaadmin user.

  2. Click Deployment Manager, then select Logging Disk Space Management from the menu.

  3. Review the log bundle settings and customize them as needed for your environment.

    Bundling Polling Period The frequency with which Secure API Manager checks whether any of the maximum values that you configured on this page have been exceeded. The default is 10 minutes. If your system is functioning well, your log files should not grow too quickly, so you might be able to increase the polling period.

    Maximum <Component> Log Size The maximum size that each component log can reach before Secure API Manager begins bundling it.

    Maximum Bundle Size When the overall log bundle size for all components exceeds this value, Secure API Manager runs a pruning process, beginning with the oldest logs.

    Maximum Bundle Count When the overall number of log bundles for all components exceeds this value, Secure API Manager runs a pruning process, beginning with the oldest logs.

  4. Click Save.

The Log Bundles section shows the directory location of the log bundles and also displays a table containing the latest details about the log bundles that have been collected for each component. Click the refresh icon next to the Log Bundles heading to update the information. The table is empty until the component logs are large enough to be bundled.