8.3 Changing the Version of an API

You change the version of an API if you want to provide new functionality in the API, change who can access the API, or change throttling tiers, and so forth. By creating a new version of an API, you can deploy a prototype of the modified API and test the changes to ensure that they function as expected.

We recommend that you change the version of an API and deploy a prototype of the modified API instead of editing an API and updating the API while you have subscriptions assigned to the API.

IMPORTANT:Never modify an API that has subscriptions assigned to it. Doing so can cause issues with the API.

To change the version of an API:

  1. Log in to the Publisher using the account your Secure API Manager administrator gave you.

  2. Click the name of the appropriate API to view the details of the API.

  3. In the upper-right corner, click Create a New Version (+).

  4. Specify the new version of the API.

  5. (Conditional) If you want this API to become the default URL that the applications use to the access the API, select Make this the default version.

  6. Click Done, then click OK.

  7. Click the Edit icon on the new API.

  8. Make the appropriate changes to the new API.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Click the APIs tab, then click the name of the API.

  11. Click the Lifecycle tab.

  12. (Conditional) To test the API, click Deploy as a Prototype.

  13. (Conditional) To publish the API to the Store select one or more of the following options:

    1. (Conditional) If you want all users subscribed to the prior version of the API to keep their subscription, ensure that you deselect Require re-subscription when publish the API.

    2. (Conditional) If you want to deprecate the prior version of the API, select Deprecate old version after publish the API. For more information, see Deprecating APIs.

      IMPORTANT:You can move an API to the retired state only after you deprecate an API. You cannot move a deprecated API back to a published state.

    3. Click Publish to publish the API and make it available for use.