Sample Command Control Report Template

If you are using this sample as a base for your own report templates, select HTML to correctly display the messages. The sample displays a message to the recipients of the e-mail messages, requesting them to log in to the Compliance Auditor and review activity. It extracts selected events and lists them in tables according to the age of the events, and provides information about the events.

As shown in the sample, you can use the user name keyword anchor $User.ACT_FULL_NAME.value$ to display a user’s name in the e-mail, if you are using the Report Target option. You must ensure that a Display name is entered for the user in the Account Details section in the Framework User Account definitions.

my @lvl0;
my @lvl1;
my @lvl2;
my @lvl3;
my @gt0;
my @gt5;
my @gt10;
my @gt20;
my @audit_records = @{$tokens->{'AuditRecords'}->{'AuditRecord'}} if (defined($tokens->{'AuditRecords'}) && defined($tokens->{'AuditRecords'}->{'AuditRecord'}));
foreach my $ar (@audit_records) {
  my $age = $ar->{'age'};
  my $lvl = $ar->{'level'};
  if ($age > 5 && $age < 10) {
  } elsif ($age >= 10 && $age < 20) {
  } elsif ($age >= 20) {
  } else {
  if ($lvl == 1) {
  } elsif ($lvl == 2) {
  } elsif ($lvl >= 3) {
  } else {
my $total = @audit_records;
if ($total > 0) {
<style type="text/css">
.style1 {
 color: #000000;
 font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
 font-size: 12px;
.style2 {
 color: #000000;
 font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
 font-size: 12px;
.style4 {
 color: #000000
<p class="style1"> Hello $User.ACT_FULL_NAME.value$,<br/>
  This is an automated event notification email from the Compliance Auditor. <br/>
  It is the responsibility of management to log into the Compliance Auditor each day and review their team's keystroke logs.  <br/> <br/>
  Please log on to the Compliance Auditor at your earliest convenience using this link: <a href=""></a></p>
my $gt0 = @gt0;
<span class="style2">Events &lt; 5 days old (<%= "$gt0" %>)</span>
<table border="1">
  <tr class="style1">
    <td>Run As</td>    
foreach my $ar (@gt0) {
  my $cmd = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'cmd'};
  my $usr = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'user'};
  my $ras = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'runAs'};
  my $hst = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'host'};
  my $tme = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'time'};
 $tme = localtime($tme);
  <tr class="style1">
    <td><%= "$tme" %></td>
    <td><%= "$usr" %></td>
    <td><%= "$ras" %></td>    
    <td><%= "$hst" %></td>
    <td><%= "$cmd" %></td>
my $gt5 = @gt5;
<span class="style2">Events &gt; 5 days old (<%= "$gt5" %>)</span>
<table border="1">
  <tr class="style1">
    <td>Run As</td>
foreach my $ar (@gt5) {
  my $cmd = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'cmd'};
  my $usr = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'user'};
  my $ras = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'runAs'};  
  my $hst = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'host'};
  my $tme = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'time'};
 $tme = localtime($tme);
  <tr class="style1">
    <td><%= "$tme" %></td>
    <td><%= "$usr" %></td>
    <td><%= "$ras" %></td>        
    <td><%= "$hst" %></td>
    <td><%= "$cmd" %></td>
my $gt10 = @gt10;
<span class="style2">Events &gt; 10 days old (<%= "$gt10" %>)</span>
<table border="1">
  <tr class="style1">
    <td>Run As</td>
foreach my $ar (@gt10) {
  my $cmd = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'cmd'};
  my $usr = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'user'};
  my $ras = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'runAs'};  
  my $hst = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'host'};
  my $tme = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'time'};
 $tme = localtime($tme);
  <tr class="style1">
    <td><%= "$tme" %></td>
    <td><%= "$usr" %></td>
    <td><%= "$ras" %></td>        
    <td><%= "$hst" %></td>
    <td><%= "$cmd" %></td>

my $gt20 = @gt20;
<span class="style2">Events &gt; 20 days old (<%= "$gt20" %>)</span>
<table border="1">
  <tr class="style1">
    <td>Run As</td>
foreach my $ar (@gt20) {
  my $cmd = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'cmd'};
  my $usr = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'user'};
  my $ras = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'runAs'};  
  my $hst = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'host'};
  my $tme = $ar->{'cmdctrl'}->{'time'};
 $tme = localtime($tme);
  <tr class="style1">
    <td><%= "$tme" %></td>
    <td><%= "$usr" %></td>
    <td><%= "$ras" %></td>        
    <td><%= "$hst" %></td>
    <td><%= "$cmd" %></td>
<p class="style2">Total Events = <%= $total %></p>