3.5.5 Registering and Unregistering Packages for a Host

If you want to stop a package from functioning without removing it completely, you can unregister it. You can then register it again later if necessary. Packages are automatically registered when you add them, so you only need to register them if you have previously unregistered them.

Registered packages are represented with a green check mark: .

Unregistered packages are represented with a red exclamation mark: .

To register or unregister a package for a host:

  1. On the home page of the console, click Hosts.

    The navigation pane displays the current hierarchy for your Framework.

  2. In the navigation pane, select the domain where you want to register or unregister packages.

  3. Select the host.

  4. With the host’s packages displayed, select the packages you want to register or unregister.

    To select multiple packages, press the Ctrl key and select the packages one at a time, or press the Shift key to select a consecutive list of packages. To select all packages, use Ctrl+A.

  5. Click Register Package or Unregister Package in the task pane.

    WARNING:Ensure that you are not unregistering an audit manager package or any other package that might cause loss of audit data.

NOTE:The Framework Manager console does not refresh automatically. To check whether your packages have been successfully registered or unregistered, go to another screen and then return to the list of packages.